Reminder: Join the Clubs (It's just an excuse to consume more Doctor Who!)

Hello everybody. This is just a friendly reminder to go check out the three Doctor Who Media Clubs we have going. There’s the TV Club in which we’re alternating between Classic and New Who. New threads drop every Monday. The Book Club is alternating between the Virgin New Adventures and the BBC New Series Adventures. This club drops new threads on the 1st (NSA) and 15th (VNA) of each month. Finally there’s the Audio Club which is working our way through the Big Finish Monthly Adventures (formerly the Main Range) with a new thread every Friday. And, you don’t have to have just read/watched/listened to story recently, feel free to drop in with your vague memories of the story from however many years ago. If you’re curious about what’s coming up, we have a couple schedule posts: 2024 Club Schedule and April 2024 Club Schedule. We’d love to have you.


Definitely want to jump into some of these if I’ve got time!!


To add to this: you can join any of the past Clubs at any point and share your thoughts and opinions on the stories, even after we’ve moved on to the next Club :slight_smile:


We also have the Comic Club which is working its way through the Titan Comics and drops every other Wednesday.


And we also have a thread where we suffer through K9 :k9:, and one where we were watching Daleks! The Animated Series :dalek:.


And I am journeying through The Main Range and anyone is welcome to pitch in with thoughts about anything MR at any time to keep me company :laughing: