What are you currently reading?

Finished The Ghosts of N-Space. Not much of a fan, sadly. It’s written in an odd way where it feels like it’s not taking itself too seriously but it’s not particularly funny either. There’s also some weird choices here, such as ghosts straight up being real (under a layer of technobabble, but it still amounts to “dead people who didn’t pass into the afterlife”), as well as big chunk of the story being driven by the Doctor actively trying to change history. Maybe it works better as an audiodrama, I’ll find out eventually.

Also got started on the next novel, Amorality Tale. That makes it two books in a row with gangsters, which is an unexpected pattern.


About halfway through The Room With No Doors, the penultimate Seventh Doctor New Adventure, and I’m really enjoying it! A good historical setting is one of my favorite things in all of Doctor Who, and this one, despite featuring a lot of alien/anachronistic elements showing up there, is still keeping a lot of focus on the setting of 16th-century Japan. Kate Orman always has good moments and some nice character stuff in her books, and this is one of my favorites by her thus far alongside The Left-Handed Hummingbird and So Vile a Sin. In many ways it’s surprisingly chill for a Doctor Who story, but it really works in the way that’s used for character development and really soaking in the setting.


Started Prisoners of Time. Then have The Face of the Enemy.


About halfway through re-visiting Combat Magicks on audio, and it’s really just been very comforting to me to listen to Mandip read it


Finished The Room With No Doors and onto the corresponding Missing Adventure, A Device of Death. I always enjoy a Christopher Bulis novel and six chapters in, this one’s looking to be no exception! (Although I do think it’s a bit much to set your story immediately after Genesis of the Daleks and then immediately have Sarah Jane, and only Sarah Jane, end up in a slave camp :roll_eyes:, but we’ll see how much of the book that lasts for)


Oh yeah, that was a weird book - not my least favourite SJ novel, but certainly not my favourite


Finished Ruby Red and read the the Giggle novelization in its entirety today.
I liked both of them a lot.


Struggled through the tail end of Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible. Next up is Ruby Red followed by the novelization of The Church on Ruby Road.


Currently reading “Black Archive: The Rings of Akhaten”. Queued up: “Ruby Red”

I love the Black Archive Books. Always make me think. I don’t always agree with the authors but I love the opportunity to explore different aspects of the TV stories. Great series!


Well, I just finished Who’s 50. I’m a sucker for books like this, and I enjoyed it. Didn’t always agree with the selections, but that’s the fun of these things.

Not sure what I’ll read next. I have United Nations waiting, but I haven’t yet ordered Intelligence Taskforce, and I’d like to read them back-to-back. I have in mind to revisit The Darksmith Legacy series, but there are a bunch of new books coming out in June, July, August…

Oh well, I’ll figure something out.

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What are these?

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Oh, sorry, they’re in the Lethbridge-Stewart series from Candy Jar Books, which mostly follow dear Alistair’s early days, following from his first encounter with the Doctor and subsequent weirdness that led to the formation of UNIT.

It’s a series I’ve really enjoyed since it started in 2015, and it’s just reaching its end. Candy Jar has recently started a UNIT series to replace it.


I thought it was but hadn’t heard of those titles.

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United Nations is the most recent release, came out late last year. Intelligence Taskforce, last I heard was at the printers and should be out quite soon. These are by Jonathan Blum.

The final release is written (or co-written now, I think) by Andy Frankham-Allen, who started the whole shebang.


It’s not a range I ever got into - funds wouldn’t allow - although I have all the free ones sitting on my Google drive and one book picked up in an Oxfam book shop.

Another thing for @shauny to add to the site, though :slight_smile:


Free ones you say?


Wayyyyyy ahead of you, it’s already on the list.

Pffft, who’s the fake fan now? :laughing:


I said on the site


Well, I looked at The Darksmith Legacy and realized the books are even shorter than I remembered (around 120 pages, with big print), so I figured I may as well dive in. Read the first one, The Dust of Ages, in a day, and it was pretty good. No character development, and the occasional sidestep to share some educational facts or have the reader to some puzzle, but the titular Dust was well done. Pretty good. Nothing special, but a decent start to the set. Starting on The Graves of Mordane next, of course.


I need to finish Ready Player One and get back to some Who books. I am reading the Marco Polo Black Archive bit by bit (though it’s a bit of a dry read. I do find these a bit hit or miss. I really liked Guerrier’s one of The Edge of Destruction but the one about The Romans was a bit hard to get through).