My big list of things to add to the site

Note that this list may not be definitive - we also have a spreadsheet. Ask if you’d like access!

Here is my big list of things I’ve yet to add to the site, but are on my roadmap!

Some I’ve labelled “reference?” that means I’ll add it but it may be in the reference section, which will be later.

If there is anything missing from here, please let me know :blush: I may have it and just haven’t detailed it correctly, or it may have been missed. There’s so much Doctor Who! :flushed:

Stuff to add:




(Some of these I don’t know the proper name of, I have lists though)

Some suggested:

  1. I’m gonna spend my Christmas with a Dalek
  2. The Dalek Chronicles
  3. When the Fourth Doctor was on Disney Time
  4. Doctor Who Discovers
  5. Dr. Who and the Hell Planet
  6. Short stories that are in the TV Comics annuals (and the comics that are in the TV Comics annuals)
  7. Barbara in Wonderland
  8. Stingray and Thunderbirds crossover strips

The Only Good Dalek

The Dalek Project


  • Reeltime pictures
  • Faction Paradox Rebirth
  • More minisodes and spin-offs - too many to list!
  • TARDIS Cam
  • TARDISodes
  • Monster Files (maybe reference?)
  • TARDIS Index Files (maybe reference?)
  • Doctor Who Confidential (reference)
  • Totally Doctor Who (reference)
  • Doctor Who Unleashed (reference)
  • Case Files
  • Behind-the-scenes stuff - (books, audios, extras) eventually
  • An Adventure in Space and Time (reference)
  • Audio Visuals
  • Doctor Who Audio Dramas (fan made)
  • Campaign (unreleased novel) - Tardis Wiki
  • A message from Yaz / a message from the Doctor. Part of the find the Doctor game.
  • Doctor Who Infinity
  • the Obverse Peter Cushing faux novelizations?
    The Cushing Doctor – Obverse Books Along with their Forgotten Lives stuff.


Oh, there’s too many to list. I’m going to do these after Stories though. Here are a few things:


By golly, that’s a LOT of stuff!

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The website if printed into a book:


I’m surprised not to see the “Audio Visuals” ( Audio Visuals (fan work) | Tardis | Fandom ) in this list. Is this deliberate or just an oversight?

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Oversight! I’ve added it. Thanks :smiling_face:

Cool! In which case you might also want to consider the slightly more obscure fan audio series DWAD ( The Doctor Who Audio Dramas | Doctor Who Expanded | Fandom )

I’m becoming addicted to the Tardis Guide, and I’d love to be able to check off and rate some of these oddities as well as the more mainstream offerings.

Thanks for all the work, BTW.


Ok, I’ll add those to my list!

Note that it’s a very long list and I’ll be prioritising adding stuff in this order:

  1. Anything patrons or lots of users ask for, or helps with
  2. Anything official - audio and books first
  3. Comics
  4. Unofficial / spin off / extra stuff
  5. Behind the scenes

Related to this, could you add the ability to sort stories by “recently added to the site”, so we can easily browse and rate new additions?


Hmmm that’s not currently feasible because I don’t save the date when it was added to the site - everything is dated for when it was broadcast / released.

However I’ll add a new field starting now that can show stuff added in each month, and link to that as I add stuff. Would that be ok?


Sure, that should work. The main thing is having some way to rate/check off stuff as it gets added without having to regularly scan through the entire catalogue for updates


A post was split to a new topic: Collectables vs Stories

Just bumping this, as I’ve added the following recently:

  • Sock Puppet Theatre Parodies
  • The Team TARDIS Diaries
  • Now We Are Six Hundred
  • Puffin eShorts
  • Origin Stories

I’ll be releasing that special list of everything added recently so you can browse it properly, soon(™).


Bumping this again as I’ve added lots more content!

Here’s a link to view everything new in March 2024:

I’ve added:

  • Out of the Darkness (audio anthology)
  • The ArcHive Tapes
  • Kaldor City
  • The Nest Cottage Chronicles
  • BBC Audio Dramas (The Thing from the Sea, etc.)
  • A Fix with Sontarans
  • Some Short Trips books, more coming soon…

I can see that it is already on your list, but here’s a bump request if it helps :wink:

I just read one of the four Adventures of K9 books ( The Adventures of K9 Series by Dave Martin ) and was distraught to discover that I couldn’t log it. Now I have to try and remember it until it gets added!

Seriously, though. No pressure. There’s so much on here already that I was just surprised to encounter something that wasn’t.


Boom! K9 added.

I need to try and source bigger, better images but that will do for now :blush:


I have audio versions of these.

Still haven’t added audio versions of books yet, still thinking how best to do it…

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Bumping as I’ve finally added all the Short Trips books! Yay!


Great job!!! What is your next project?

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Looking at that list, I’ll finish the Audios (because I like checking off a whole section, and thought I had all the audios before…) then do more books.

Comics are slowly coming along, got some people helping with those, but my focus is on finishing the sections I already have!