Doctor Who has delighted me since the original transmission of The Sontaran Experiment in 1975. I guess some folks might find this bizarre, but it is literally my earliest memory. There isn’t an era that I haven’t loved though, of course, I do have my favourites (Pertwee, Tom Baker, Tennant; 10 and 14). Currently loving the first series with Ncuti as the 15th Doctor.
One of the things that gives me great joy is discovering new angles or elements to enjoy about DW stories. It’s always wonderful when I’m able to find something that gives me more joy for episodes that I’ve been less fond of. Equally, I love championing epsiodes to others and helping them discover something new or re-evaluate.
Why “realdoctor”? That’s what my kids called me when they were little, on account of a (very superficial) resemblance to Christopher Eccleston and the fact that I’m a research scientist.