What are you currently listening to?

I’ve listened to the first episode of Andrew Smith’s “Hour of the Cybermen”. Wow! That was tremendous fun! Feels fully SIxth Doctor era, yet done properly. Genuinely atmospheric in places. Love deserted London and it’s nice catching up with this slightly shady iteration of UNIT. It feels simultaneously very old school and yet vibrant and fresh at the same time. Genuinely looking forward to episode 2! Yup, great stuff so far! :cyberman:


Just finished the ‘Other Stories’ in The Memory Bank and other stories and I’m ever so slightly underwhelmed. I enjoyed The Memory Bank but the other three all seemed a bit inconsequential. I quite liked Repeat Offender but it ended rather abruptly (and was only 21 minutes long). The Last Fairy Tale had a fun idea at its centre but the reveal of one character was way too obvious from about 5 minutes in. The Becoming was not bad but I’ve ended up 2.5/5 for all three ‘other stories’.


Delving into this so I can complete my reviews of the first ‘Dark Gallifrey’ mini-series.

About half way through now, and I’m really happy to have Morbius operating at full strength - considering he was a background presence in the first two episodes.


Personally going through 11 and Valerie. Finishing Sins of The Flesh which is great, and can’t wait to listen to the next boxset (it came in the post yesterday and the cover looks so pretty). I adore Dudman as 11, and the writing for 11 is amazing for me. He’s still my doctor fr.

Though, being a Torchwood supremacist n’all, I still don’t think it quite reaches the peaks that Torchwood audios reach. I’ll be happily proven wrong hopefully but so far haven’t listened to a Doctor Who audio which I’ve liked more than Torchwood audios. (Excluding I, Davros, which was amazing).


There are quite a few of us on the site who think highly of the Eleven & Valarie series. We have a thread about it here:

Be warned that it has some spoilers mixed into the thread.

Also, Sins of the Flesh is probably my favourite BF story I’ve heard. And IMO Eleven & Valarie is the best series they have done.


The Forever Trap


I am also a Torchwood supremacist. I think the only Doctor Who audio I thought was better than the best Torchwood audios is Scherzo, and that is definitely an outlier.


I just finished Blood of the Daleks Part 1 and 2. It was interesting and enjoyable enough, even though it‘s a Dalek story which I generally don‘t like too much.


Can people please stop recommending 11 and Valarie - my birthday’s not until September so I can’t get any sets till then!

Listening to Fright Motif from Respond to All Calls. Good fun but ‘sound monsters’ have kind of been done a bit too often by BF now (I spy a trope in the offing @shauny)


Just finished Department X and was surprised at how much I liked it by the end, not something I’m raving about or anything but just a really solid story with some very fun world building for torchwood

Got to the end and was wondering who wrote it with how much I liked the world building aspect… Really should’ve been able to tell it was James Goss


Ooh make a list of sound monsters and I’ll make a new trope :grin:


I’ve started a thread for this:


Currently listening to Dust Breeding.

Later in the week, I hope to get through some of the newer BF releases that I haven’t had the time to delve into yet - the new 4th, 9th and 7th Doctor releases as well as Missy and Dark Gallifrey :grin:


And just finished Ghost Train (also by Goss), that was really fun, probably my favourite Torchwood Tale so far, and that’s saying something because I really likes Everyone Says Hello


@uss-genderprise @teslapunk3327

I’ve never listened to any of the Torchwood audios, but I have seen the full TV series. What would you recommend as a good starting point? And your favorite Torchwood audios?


Honestly just pick ur favorite character, and go for a cover/synopsis which interests you the most as they’re all standalone (monthly range, that is).

My fav character is Ianto, fav monthlies are Disco and Tube Strike (actually written by GDL). But this also means I have an easier gateway into enjoying Torchwood One. (They both take place during TW1).


Most of the Main Range can be listened to on its own. My personal favourite of that is Coffee, but if you’re a fan of Jack and Ianto’s relationship most people would recommend Broken and Serenity. If you like Owen, I can recommend The Last Beacon, and for Tosh I love Dinner and a Show. Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbeque is surprisingly emotional but great fun.

The various box sets are also fairly standalone as far as I know, and I personally love The Sins of Captain John. Outbreak is fantastic if you’re willing to go for a three-hour story. Torchwood One is a lot of fun, I personally like Machines best. And of course, there’s The Story Continues (the varius Among Us sets) which are seasons 5-7 of the show. I haven’t personally listened to them and I’ve heard some mixed reviews.

There’s also the BBC ones, which are pretty solid and are mostly set between series 2-3, with Jack, Gwen, and Ianto. Torchwood Tales (audiobooks) are fantastic too, and my favourite is Everyone Says Hello.


You might find some recommendations in this thread:



However I Hate Mondays > Machines


Like do you like Machines or do you just like Blind Summit yk?


I’m not finished the tales, but torn between Everyone Says Hello, and Ghost Train