What are you currently listening to?

Don’t forget to give it a like :wink: I need badges!


Beat you to it. Already done, my friend. Already done! :smiley:


Part of me always considers saying that when I upload my reviews, but given how many I’ve been transferring over from the other site recently, I think I would look needy haha


As usual i listened to too much stuff since last i checked in so i’ll only mention the recents.

Finished series 3 of 9DAs with which i guess it’s now widely considered his best boxset. Star-Crossed it’s a living dream, giving finally the 9th Doctor the kind of emotional openess he needed and the give us the most original spin in the relation between River and The Doctor since their stories in TV (that i’ve seen).

Ended series 5 of The Fourth Doctor Adventures last night and listened to The Beast of Kravenos today. Just the greatest of pleasure to have the chance to listen to Tom Baker and Lalla Ward together again and their character complement each just as well as the good old days. The Beast had a plus in having Jago and Litefoot which it just makes my day.

After getting through ‘The Lost Resort and other stories’ and ‘Conflict of Interests,’ i finally got to Pursuit of the Nightjar, one that came with high praise from everyone and it’s very much deserved. When 5th gets really good scripts they are best BF can offer. It’s a moving story that it can inspire whoever listens to it.

After much waiting, i finally got Echoes from 8DAs and really happy with the results. As a boxset i’d say it was the best one since the Stranded saga. I’ll tell something though, potentially 3 stories a year are simply not enough with this TARDIS team. I waited for far too long for that to be enough.

And last but not least i got around to listened to the first and second series of The Diary of River Song. I’d say the second one is a great improvemente over the first one but they both pretty good.


Just finished up Donna Noble: Kidnapped

Pretty fun romp, probably wouldn’t listen to it again, but glad that I did

Also did reviews of them all!


Some of you will know that I migraited over here from the other site when its owner decided to have several rhetoric filled meltdowns.

Updating my old reviews and transferring them over has been relatively easy:

  • My Seventh Doctor ones were written within the past year, so needed very little updating, and I’ve only got three more (the Klein Trilogy) to transfer over.

  • I’ll be able to transfer over at least fifteen of my Fifth Doctor reviews, cause they were written this time last year (the “Older Nyssa” arc).

Unfortunately, most of my Sixth Doctor reviews were written back in 2021/22, and are bassicaly unsalvagable - whether that be because my format has evolved so much or because my really old reviews were kinda garbage.

This means I have to redo all those Sixth Doctor reviews, so where better to begin than his first proper solo outing!


I finally finished listening to Terror Firma the other day. And… Not a fan. Kind of lost on the plot halfway through. It’s got some decent moments but this particular plot to follow the end of the Divergent Universe arc? I don’t think it was the right choice.


It didn’t really do much for me either. The post-Divergent Universe Monthly Adventures with 8 are one of his weakest periods imo, although I thought Something Inside and Absolution were excellent.


Currently got this on in the background whilst I write my review. Honestly, it’s much better than I recalled.

Though that could well be Sixth Doctor bias talking.


Whispers of Terror is my “if X has no fans, I’m dead” thing, lol


Last episode of 1 season Dalek Empire - it’s a brilliant story! I’m huge fan of it


Dalek Empire is really good (and I’m not a fan of Daleks much).

Welcome to the forum @Cygnus. Do pop over to Introductions - TARDIS Guide Forum and tell us a bit about yourself.


I listened to the first season a few weeks ago for the first time. I wasn’t expecting much as the Daleks generally don’t do much for me on audio, but damn it was good. The Daleks not being the main characters is a great way to make the series more palatable, and there are some nice twists in the story.


Nearly finished the I, Davros audios and I AM IN LOVE. I adore anything about Skaro and the history/lore, and they did this series so well. And I love the constant drone of the Skaro wasteland noises.

The political messaging is implemented so well too.


We’ve got a discussion thread for Dalek Empire here: Dalek Empire


I randomly decided to listen to the Sirens of Time today.
Honestly a bit embarrassing how long it took me to understand the plot. (I only understood it now (this is fourth time I listened to it))


You’ll have to look at the Audio Club then to see everyone’s thoughts and add your own.


Listened to The Daleks’ Master Plan today. All of it. Turns out its length is almost exactly the length of the round trip to my client, which is a little bit further than my office. Warm and cozy is how I feel about revisiting that one.

But enough of that, it’s all Big Finish from here on out.


Listened to The Memory Bank - a fun little story with some good stuff for Turlough.


Listened to the first episode of Time in Office. Good fun!
Also listened to Swipe Right from the recent Nine and River set. That was really good, a nice use of Nine in relation to River, looking forward to the next two episodes.