What are you currently listening to?

Didn’t quite get to the end of Mindbomb before the end of my walk to work. Almost punched the air at ‘that bit’.


You should’ve walked slower then :wink:

Yes, I know the ‘bit’! A very ‘punch in the air’ bit, that one!


I might start listening to Transit… (There’s a fan read audiobook version on YouTube)


I’m thinking of giving it a go as well, because I couldn’t get through the regular book version.

EDIT: just noticed that there is a fan-made , full-cast audio drama of Transit as well, in four parts.


Now I can’t decide which to listen to first


There’s a topic for that!

What Should You Watch/Read/Listen To Next?


I’m assuming that’s not legal, how does it stay on YouTube?

I would love audiobooks of all the VNAs, it’s much easier to read than a novel for me.


Yeah. No idea. I assume if they don’t get too popular then nobody notices


Who can we talk to about getting an officially licensed set of:

A) Official ebooks
B) Official audiobooks

Of the earlier books which are out of print?

Surely it’s imperative that this is done, to keep the stories alive and accessible to future generations?!


There are a few of the old Virgin and BBC novels that got reprints (and eBook and Audiobook treatment) for the 50th Anniversary. So it is possible.


I would love this as well, but I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. With the VNAs being so mature and out of line with how the BBC currently views the franchise, they don’t want kids reading about graphic violence, drug use, foul language and sex scenes - because that’s not Doctor Who. So they pretend the books don’t exist.

Also, I don’t know how well they would sell among modern fans since they’re all Seven stories.

I would like to see a new range of past Doctor books, though. They need more love from places outside of BF!


This is what I was referring to:

Not all of these got audiobook releases though. Looking at the individual wiki pages, I see that none of the NSAs got new audiobooks for this and two of the Classic Series novels didn’t (The English Way of Death and The Sands of Time).

That said, that still leaves nine that did get audiobooks out of this: The Roundheads (PDA #6) read by Anneke Wills, The Witch Hunters (PDA #9) read by David Collings, Human Nature (VNA #38) read by Lisa Bowerman, The Shadow in the Glass (PDA #40) read by India Fisher, Amorality Tale (PDA #51) read by Dan Starkey, Illegal Alien (PDA #5) read by Sophie Aldred with Cybermen voices by Nicholas Briggs, Shakedown (VNA #45) read by Dan Starkey, The Scales of Injustice (VMA #24) read by Dan Starkey, and Corpse Marker (PDA #26) read by David Collings.


Listened to Protect and Survive, such a light hearted and funny story. While barely in it it 7 has such a big presence and is some of the scariest I’ve seen him. Hex and Ace also really go through it in this one.


I finished The Living Darkness and found it a bit disappointing. I got what they were going for with it, but I didn’t feel it. It felt like a drag too, at six parts, and rendered the Doctor a secondary character while completely wasting Dodo.

And then, I finished Gallifrey 3 with Panacea. And oh my Pting, I have so many thoughts. Chief of them are Arkadian?!? K9?!? Elbon?!? Matthias?!? BRAXIATEL?!?!?!?!?!?!? AND THAT CLIFFHANGER ENDING WHAT THE HELL?!?! I’m happy I don’t have to wait four and a half years for the next one :sweat_smile:

Oh but what made me very happy when listening to it was hearing the Nokia ringtone! Made my inner Finn very proud, nostalgic and sad that Nokia isn’t a biggie any more :frowning:


hahahaha yup that’s the Panacea experience in a nutshell


Finished Mindbomb. Had genuinely forgotten Darkel’s fate. So good. On to Panacea.


Enjoyed The Revenants. The story moved along at a leisurely pace, but William Russell is a good storyteller, and I was happy to meander around the Orkney Islands for a while before dipping into the mortal peril.


Just finished Human Resources. Definitely the best of the 8DAs so far, but honestly Lucy still hasn’t grown on me and I’m pretty happy that I’ve got an excuse not to continue with these (as this was the last one available to stream for free). I guess I have to focus on the Main Range now, and eventually I’ll get to finally listen to Gallifrey.


Just listened to “Mindbomb”.

Still a 5/5 :star: story for me!
And a favourite :heart: as well!

This is a perfect story for me.


Today I listened to Benny 7: Wilkommen - a haunting Cyberman tale in Nazi Germany, with some truly effective conversion scenes.

I also listened to Master, and it’s another superb MR story - McCoy, Beevers, Madoc on top form and a complex character study.