What are you currently listening to?

Started on the latest War Doctor Rises set, Unknown Soldiers. Really wnjoying it so far!

Also listened to Living Legand which was a slight, fun and humorous adventure with Eight and Charley.


The Rings of Ikiria - Pretty good story with a couple of nice moments. Not a standout, but not bad. Afraid Richard Franklin’s Pertwee impression wasn’t so great, though, TBH.

Trail of the White Worm - I’m sure this set me off the first time, when I got to the end and found out it…well, wasn’t the end. It’s an enjoyable romp that leads into…

The Oseidon Adventure - Well the previous story end on a cliffhanger. Who are the Master’s allies?! Well, you find out right away. I mean, right away. Even sooner if you’d looked at the name of the release. Or looked at the cover. So, that’s weird.

The story itself is pretty chaotic, and pretty dang funny. I’m not sure I always tracked exactly what was going on, when we had a live character and when we had an android. But I didn’t care. It was just fun.

And Leela riding a horse through a wormhole, can’t beat that!


I’m 10 minutes into “Willkommen” at the moment :grin:


Finished Panacea last night so you know what that means…



After meeting Jago and Litefoot in Talons I listened to ‘The Mahogany Murders’ which was really good. I picked up series 1 of their spin off in the sale recently which I’m feeling happy about.


I’ve started listening to The First Doctor Adventures - The Living Darkness. I love this series and wish they were released more often. There’s something extraordinary about Peter Purves sounding exactly the same as he did 60 years ago - but he does! Someone’s messing around with Steven’s mind here, and there are some pretty mean tricks being played on him. Going by the evidence so far, I’d say this is shaping up to be my favourite Stephen Noonan tale since the wonderful The Miniaturist from set 1.

Very enjoyable!


Four parts into The Quintessence and I bloody love it so far! Very well paced unsettling story that does all the body horror and examination of humanity that all best Cybermen stories do. And, Jo my beloved!!


The audio adaptation of State of Decay today. It’s nicely done, and Tom Baker narrates it well, but I feel like there’s quite a bit missing with the shorter runtime of the audio compared to the tv version


Listened to Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code

I love stories that are all about words and language. This one is all about a forbidden language no-one is allowed to speak. It was a very fun listen, although perhaps with a bit of a weak ending. But Lisa Bowerman could narrate anything and I’d enjoy it!


Listened to War Stories on a walk earlier. Great story with one of my fav Tardis teams. The competition winner did a great job. Loved all the Easter egg reference in the story.


About to start Mindbomb.


I felt like revisiting some of the audios I rated one star. First was “The Darkened Earth”, a Short Trip with Six and Constance. It was a better listen this time, but I still thought it was a bit lacking in terms of what actually happens in the audio. It’s just a bunch of dialogue in a sitting room for the most part, and the dialogue isn’t that interesting (it’s very much utilitarian). I gave it three stars.

Edit: Finished “The Dream Nexus” with Hebe, Mel, and Six. It started off interesting, but slowly started losing my interest yet again once the mycology element disappeared into the background. I think if this had less of a military-esque setting and there were fewer story elements to bulk up the audio, it would have been more entertaining like Vervoids is. Dream Nexus fits somewhere between one and two stars, but I’ll keep it as one.


I’ve somehow managed to jump myself into a chronological ALL MEDIA 5th Doctor listen because I enjoyed Four To Doomsday so much, so right now I’m working through Secrets Of Telos from Forty and I’m really enjoying it - the rocket ship captain being played as a hugely broad 1960s macho spaceman parody is absolutely perfect.


Finished with “Wulf”, second story from New Benny 7 - Blood and Steel.

Lisa Bowerman is absolutely killing it!
This is the kind of emotional storytelling concerning cyber conversion I am looking for :+1:


Excited to one day get there myself!


The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield is an amazing range!
Just looked at the cover for the next story “Übermensch” - ■■■■■■■ hell! And a rating of 4.58/5 :star: !


Just finished “Übermensch”.

This might just be in the running for “Best box-set Big Finish has made of any range, ever!”

It’s unbelievably good!
Lisa Bowerman & David Warner :blue_heart::blue_heart:
Only one story with that particular TARDIS Team left for me :cry:

DOCTOR: Have you ever been at a dinner party where one of the guests suddenly drops an incendiary political comment into the conversation?
BENNY: Yeah.
(Chanting in background): Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!


Finished off New Benny 7 - Blood and Steel with “Auf Wiedersehen”.

This whole box-set was unbelievable.
I ended up rating these stories with three 5/5 :star: and a 4,5/5 :star:
Just amazing stuff all the way through! :grin:

1930s Berlin und die Cybermen! It worked so, so very well! :cyberman:

And now I’ll just go sit in a corner and have a good cry that I’ll never have a new story where this Doctor calls Benny “Summerfield” :cry:
This TARDIS Team man… Just stellar! Sorry Valarie and Eleven, Lucie and Eight, Six and Evelyn - there’s a new #1 TARDIS Team in my (audio)book :grin: :tardis:

DOCTOR: They say evil breeds when a good man does nothing.


Well, I’m convinced!

I’ll listen to this set!

Just as soon as I am caught up…

The catching up I need to do



I will say that you absolutely can start audio Benny with the “New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield” range!

I’ve almost caught up on that range now. Only “Eternity Club” to go :slightly_smiling_face: