Overwhelmed by the sheer number of Doctor Who stories out there? Caught between several characters/story arcs you want to follow? Wanting to know if you should stick through or skip a particularly boring story? Spending more time on your elaborate Doctor Who spreadsheet/s than actual Doctor Who?
Well, here’s the thread for you: just give a quick summary of what you’re thinking of watching/reading/listening to next and through the power of polls and peer pressure, the TARDIS Guide community can decide and suggest your next story for you, with their collective wisdom (and biases). Decision paralysis begone!
I have not listened to any of your choices and cant recommend anything. But in general, I would say that you should start with the question do I want something different or continue with the ones you have started with?
This is fun idea because I’m always stuck as to where to go next with the huge listen/watch/read lists. It’s sort of why I like doing themed ones because it helps make the decision for me. My Peladon mini-marathon is nearly at an end so I’ll need to be thinking of what to listen to next fairly soon but fortunately I also have my ongoing marathon (which has been going for about 13 years now) where I’m watching everything in order according to Lance Parkin’s AHistory (and some of my own research).
I say Romana’s audios, mostly because completing all her stories is my goal for next year. It’s not that long till we hit gallifrey season 3 in the audio club so you can bide your time with those until then.
Well, I am planning on continuing with Gallifrey myself beyond the clubs, because I know I can’t wait until we do more of them (I blame some of you for my latest addiction!).
Oh, this is useful! I’m working on a drawing of the Eighth Doctor right now, so I need something to listen to. Pick one:
Continue 8DAs
Assorted Torchwood audios
Start Gallifrey
So far, I’ve mostly done 8DAs because I like listening to something related to the drawing I’m working on. I have a few Torchwood audios that I bought a while back and haven’t gotten around to listening to yet, and a few that I want to revisit so I can rate them on the Guide. Then there’s Gallifrey. I was hoping to finish Classic and listen to the entire Main Range from the beginning before getting into it, but with the audio club extras and all the hype around it I’m willing to start without that.