The Sirens of Time - Redux

Interesting release to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Sirens of Time. I like the idea of remastering some of those early releases. While I think they are solid, obviously after 25 years, there will be room for improvement. It’ll be interesting to hear how it flows with all three stories mixed together.

Pricing Summary
  • Bronze (unlimited): The Sirens of Time – Redux on download only, plus the original version of The Sirens of Time on download, for £12.99.
  • Silver (limited to 1000 copies): The Sirens of Time – Redux on collector’s edition CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £15.99.
  • Gold (limited to 150 copies): The Sirens of Time – Redux on souvenir collector’s edition cassette and CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £44.99.
  • Platinum (limited to 100 copies): Prints of photos from the recording sessions, The Sirens of Time – Redux on souvenir collector’s edition cassette and CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £65.99.*

Very interesting! I love the idea of a collector’s cassette even though I would have literally no way of playing it - feels like a lovely callback to the past. And the idea of remastering it seems like a very good idea indeed :sweat_smile:

shame I don’t actually care for the episode enough to want to buy it again :sweat_smile:


I’m interested to see how they do the re-cut, and I’m a real sucker for a cassette tape, so I will probably buy this. Sirens was the first BF I listened to when they went free on Spotify, so it holds a special place in my heart even if it is a bit pants.


If I were to get this, I’d only be interested in download. What isn’t clear, is whether or not the download only version comes with the interviews or not. If not, that feels almost like a cheat for those who are interested in the interviews, but not any of the physical media.


I was just about to post the exact same question!


I’m pretty sure the download has the extras:

The Sirens of Time – Redux is due for release in November 2024 and is now available to pre-order in four pricing tiers – bronze, silver, gold and platinum – each of which includes bonus extras, exclusively here.

(Bold highlight is mine)

I can’t think of an example when the download hasn’t included extras.


Okay. Cause I was seeing this in the pricing guide:

So the way I was reading it that the bronze edition didn’t have any interviews.


Those two sentences do seem a bit contradictory. Best guess would be cut down bonus features on the download.


Cover reveal.



I love the cover :blush:


It wouldn’t surprise me if the insert has the older cover so you can flip it.


It’s great but there have been some even better fan ones over the last few years:


Eh, only the first one looks good to me out of those. And even then, I prefer how vibrant the official Redux cover is.


While those are cool, I like the simplicity of the official one.


I find the official Redux cover a bit bland, actually. It’s miles better than the original cover, though, but that’s to be expected 25 years later :joy:

I also agree with @CommanderBayban that the first one of the fanmade covers is gorgeous, the rest look too fanmade to me.


I think the second one looks pretty professional. I like the subtle backgrounds for each Doctor reflecting their single episode settings.

And if I’m honest, Colin’s head doesn’t quite look right on the official redux one.


Question for @shauny here.

Will the Redux have its own entry on TARDIS Guide?

Just given that it make quite a few changes to the original adventure, it might make sense to have separate reviews for it.


I like the fan made covers, particularly the second one, but I think the last one is really cool for being made to mirror The End of the Beginning, which itself was mirroring The Sirens of Time with its format. I like the official cover a lot, but personally having TARDIS’ flying through the sky isn’t a design choice I particularly like and I’ve felt the same seeing it done elsewhere.

Just given that it make quite a few changes to the original adventure, it might make sense to have separate reviews for it.

I think this is quite an interesting point. My gut instinct was that I think it should, because Tales of the TARDIS is treated separately and I feel it does less to justify it (prior to Pyramids at least). Though Sirens Redux is more comparable to the DVD/Blu-ray special editions isn’t it? Day of the Daleks, Enlightenment, Planet of Fire, Terror of the Vervoids, all season 25 stories now, Battlefield and Fenric, because they’re very much the same concept on a base level. You could even make the case for the four part Planet of Giants, yet none of these are listed last I checked.

This could then open up a whole other heap of debates about other official edits such as repeat omnibuses and really it’s a whole can of worms from there, trying to rigidly define what counts as separate.


Short answer: Yes. Eventually.

Longer answer: We are actually discussing how to deal with things like omnibus editions of classic stories, animations, colourisations, etc. No firm solution has presented itself yet but I have some ideas.

It’s something I’m going to work on in a few weeks, and will probably post a message on the forums for people to discuss how best to deal with it, nearer the time (or maybe now, that it has come up…).

Edit: I made a topic about this