Poll about our many Clubs

Here’s the plan - on a tentative trial basis!

Starting tomorrow - Saturday 31st August - will be Audio Club Extra for a limited three (or four) week run. It will be discussing the Excelis Trilogy.

The main Audio Club will continue through the first 50 releases of the Monthly Adventures and then, after Zagreus we will take a brief detour into a different Big Finish range - look out for a poll to decide which range we explore - Companion Chronicles, Dalek Empire, Short Trips or something else?

When TV Club reaches the end of Series 2 of the modern series with Doomsday, we will branch off into Torchwood Series 1, before returning to The Runaway Bride and continuing with Series 3.

The Torchwood episode discussions will drop each fortnight, alternating with the classic series episodes which will continue unaffected by these changes.

We will see how these experiments work and if successful look at what else we want to add into the Clubs.

Remember though that everyone is more than welcome to start threads discussing anything - we already have lively discussions about the Lost Stories and the Eleventh Doctor and Valerie adventures.