Poll about our many Clubs

A bit of a discussion has started about if and when we might venture into other ranges beyond those already being explored by the different Clubs.

We’re aware there are already four Clubs you can take part in and that may well be enough (and remember there is no time limit or entry requirements - just jump into any of the Club threads whenever you feel like it).

But equally, it might be nice to explore some other ranges, particularly on audio.

I’ve tried to cover all possible bases in the poll below but feel free to also comment below so we can get a gauge on what the community is feeling.

  • Just the 4 current clubs for now, thank you (TV, Book, Audio, Comics)
  • Maybe an Audio Extra Club running alongside the Main Range club to talk about other ranges
  • Take a break from a Club’s running order at a logical point e.g. #50 of the Main Range in the Audio Club and do a different range for a short while
  • Have an ‘Spin Off Club’ which bounces between things like SJA and Countermeasures and TV Comic strips etc running alongside the other 4 clubs
  • Have as many Clubs as you like, I can’t keep up anyway!
0 voters

You can vote for more than one option.


I don’t think I have even made a single post in the Comics Club as of yet and can’t keep up with the Audio Club.

It was a post on Threads about the newly started Book Club that brought me to TARDIS Guide in the first place :grin:


Honestly, you could have a different club everyday and I really wouldn’t care, I’d contribute to as many as possible.


I am of the opinion that the Clubs were really important at the beginning of this forum to help us get started and discuss different topics. But when the forum has grown they have become less important and we now have more interesting discussions outside of the clubs and the clubs sometimes feel like a chore.

I don’t think that we should remove them but I don’t think that we should anymore. If we add more I think that the ones we have and the new ones will suffer from it because it will lead to even fewer discussions in them.




I feel like the number of and kind of clubs we have right now are pretty good, and if anything gets added the frequency of some of them could maybe be lowered? Though honestly I don’t really care, I participate in the ones I think are fun/that I can get the material for, if there were more I’d join on the same basis. I feel like the medium approach to them is pretty cool though, so I personally wouldn’t really add anymore. It might be an idea to also have the audio club alternate between different ranges maybe, like the tv club and I believe the book club do.


The clubs have facilitated my interest in DW books and comics, which I had previously neglected due to other commitments. Personally, I don’t think we should have too many clubs going at the same time, because that’ll stress everyone out. I do, however, think that possibly having another spin-off club or switching to another audio range at some point in the Aduo Club are good ideas. Maybe the clubs feel a bit fresher if we switch things up now and then.


Same here honestly.

I also find they’re a great way to just get disacussing different stories - and I’m definitely not gonna shy away from more opportunities to share my own reviews :joy:


I feel like with Audio Club, if things were switched up, the Bernice Summerfield might be a good shout.

It’s the longest running spin-off range, so it would make sense.


Personally, I can totally understand how many, many clubs could look overwhelming to people so I think it’s important to keep stressing how low stakes they are, and that they can be joined at any time so people don’t feel intimidated.

That said, I would love to see some more audio clubs - Benny would be fun, as would any other spinoff range. I realise there are some financial limitations to some of these things and I would worry about it feeling exclusive, but also there are many of us who have listened to a metric butt-ton of audios and it would be nice to chat about them even more than we already do


I agree because I have a load of Benny audios waiting on my BF account, but I have never found the motivation to listen to them.


I do understand that some people could find them intimidating, but I personally feel like the clubs are a great way for beginners to get into different audios.

That’s one of the reasons I would love the audio club especially to expand into different ranges - stuff like ‘Graceless’, ‘Vienna’ and to some extenct ‘Counter-Measures’ are massively underrated. Would be nice to shine a light on them.


For sure, I would love to revisit Graceless, that one really had an impact on me. And of course, if we had, say, a Gallifrey club, the challenge would be to shut me up about it :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I’d certainly agree with expanding the Audio Club. I think, outside of the TV series, it’s produced more stories than any other medium. And, considering how many books and comics there are, that’s really saying something! So either a second audio club that looks at other ranges or a bit more variety in the current club would be quite welocme.

Also, I’m not sure if this has been considered yet but what about adding the spin-offs into the New Series TV Club in roughly the order where they would have been broadcast? So, for example, you do Torchwood series 1 after New Who Series 2 etc.


The Wonderous Wilderness Years Club :tada:

Anything and everything made between 1989 and 2005.
Books, comics, audios, videos!
Reeltime, BBV, Audio Visuals, Big Finish!

Dimensions in Time! Scream of the Shalka! The Zygon Movie! The Curse of Fatal Death! That movie with Benton I can’t remember the name of! Abslom Daak Dalek Killer!

Every two weeks a new thing will be pulled up by means of the TARDIS Guide Randomiser! :sunglasses:


I was disappointed in this one. I read this before I saw it:

“Zygon: When Being You Just Isn’t Enough (…) is almost certainly the only Zygon-based soft-porn film ever to have been made.”

But it was just the amount of nudity of a regular Nordic movie.


Almost certainly?
Well, time to search the width of the internet to see if other Zygon-based soft porn films exist :grin::grimacing::wink:




I looked it up so you don’t have to, and here are the stats:

  • Rule34 only has five artworks tagged Zygon, three of which are variants of the same drawing. This is true for multiple different sites calling themselves Rule34, and it’s the same art in all of them.
  • AO3 only has one explicit story tagged “Zygon”, and four explicit stories with Bonnie (mostly her and Clara. I don’t know what I was expecting).
  • Looking up “Zygon porn” reveals only things about the film and the home pages of porn sites.

There’s a surprising lack of pornography featuring Zygons. I would have expected a lot more considering they’re shapeshifters with suckers, two things that appear quite often in porn.