Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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In one. Thanks TARDIS32’s Tough Quiz Questions
Got it in five… it’s been a while
IMMEDIATE get. i love you rtd era tv shots
Got it in 3Recognized it was a RTD episode but thought it was Army of Ghosts then Turn Left first
Got it in five. Should’ve gotten it in at least four.
Got it in two! What’s a little irritating is I thought of that episode at screenshot one, but decided to guess a different one instead. Screenshot two, I was still thinking of it, so I went for it.
ugh five started in s3 and got the wring part on 3
Got it in 2! I also guessed Army of Ghosts first, very memorable TV shots in that one. Figured out through process of elimination, only a few episodes with Unit + vaseline filter.
took five today, went through just about every other episode rose returned home first though
In four, but I guessed the wrong part in three, so technically three.
How are people not getting this in one?
All five for me
In one today! Recognised that spaceship cake!
Got it in 5! Guessed what felt like the whole of s1 (including this episode’s second part!) before getting it
Didn’t get it. :(;On 5, I got wrong part.
Got it in one. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say that.
Got it in one! Ah yes, UFO cake.
I can’t take part in this one!
My phone was playing up and unblurred @realdoctor’s post