Well, you could have pretended you got it in one, and no one would have known technically, everyone who says they get it in one could have cheated, because they might have played the game twice…
In one - way too iconic not to recognise what he made earlier there.
Exactly, also one for me
In Five. I thought 1 was Army of Ghosts, then went Poison Sky → Doomsday → World War Three → Aliens of London
In one. A memorable early scene.
That’s actually one reason I don’t really see the point of posting the screenshots. They’d be very easy to fake.
Besides, I’m not really sure why anyone would lie about it, other than embarrassment at how long it took them to get it. (And, really, you shouldn’t be embarrassed. The episode one person watched over and over and loves might be the same episode another watched once ten years ago while in the middle of something else, or even skipped. And sometimes even if you love an episode, these things are hard…)
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