Who are your top three Doctors?

Too little too soon. And the CyberBrig bit was, for me, the single worst thing Moffat put into a Doctor Who script.


That and Danny saving the world because he couldn’t be converted fully because he loved Clara too much.
But you are right with saying one should focus on the positives - so I’ll just think of Kate Stewart and Osgood during those episodes.

Though the bit with Missy telling her coworker (can’t remember his name) that she won’t kill him till he says something nice. It made no sense that anyone would answer with a nice response knowing they would be killed - he could literally have left the room at that point and lived!

Better end on a positive :thinking: at least the Cybermen have gotten rid of the “C” on their chests :wink:

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And are now Ybermen?

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this is one of the most delightfully civilised disagreements I’ve seen among dr who fans in a long time :purple_heart: I must say I cannot agree at all about disliking Capaldi, though much of s9 doesn’t work for me. But I do in fact quite like s8 and s10 is one of my total go to seres to watch for fun


Series 9 was actually when I started to warm up to him - I thought The Girl Who Died and the Before the Flood two parter were great - and I recently really enjoyed the Zygon two parter. My issues with the rest of that series were more to do with Clara and Moffat’s inability to actually kill of a companion without having a get-out clause.


See, I really hate the Zygon two parter because I think the message is muddled and it’s another one of those episodes where the Doctor makes a big powerful speech which kind of makes you forget that the rest of the episode was daft :rofl:

I was unimpressed by the speech first time round but ‘got’ it more this time. That said, I’d quite liked Listen the first time round but on a rewatch found it smug and too clever by half - and structured as a bunch of disparate unrelated scenes desperately searching for a plot to link them.


Disagreements on media content is not, and should never be, a cause for enmity. Civility should not be something to strive for but a simple fact of life. Sadly this message is lost on too many and replaced by online vitriol.
The amount of hate that I received when I professed my love for “The Last Jedi” as well as all the messages about “Nurse Who” is what drove me from Twitter.
“Delightfully civilised disagreements” should be a tagline for TARDIS Guide :sunglasses:


At the risk of sending this thread off-topic as well, I also enjoyed The Last Jedi.

I hadn’t realised till now, but maybe Juno Dawson deliberately played on that in her novel The Good Doctor where everyone thinks Graham is the Doctor so she starts calling herself the Nurse!

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That’s exactly what I thought when I read it :grin:

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And to make matters worse, Capaldi is the only modern series Doctor I’ve actually met (apart from bumping into Matt Smith in an antiques shop but not having the courage to speak to him).


I am in the 6, 8, 12 category. I like character development


You do look alike! :grin:

Also, I had that same T Shirt

I like it haha. Although hopefully we agree more than we disagree!


It’s those attack eyebrows - and I still have that T-shirt alongside many, many geek-themed ones.


I am a bit board and tryed to get Chat GPT to do something fun with the data from this but it gave no fun results.

But here is a table with how comon diffrent combinations are

D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13
D1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
D2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0
D3 1 0 2 1 2 0 3 1 5 1
D4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
D5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
D6 1 2 0 1 0 5 1
D7 2 1 1 1 4 0
D8 0 0 2 3 1
D9 0 1 1 0
D10 3 5 3
D11 4 2
D12 4

Interesting that the most common pairs are 12 & 6, and 12 & 3.

12 & 3 are very similar in their appearance, outfits, and maybe personality a bit.

12 & 6 both started with a storyline about them being a difficult, grumpy person.



For me it’s 3, 10/14 and 13.

3 - He was my first Doctor and I love his kindness and warmth, but he’s not weak as he’s more than fine to start punching people :joy:

10/14 - He’s quirky, badass and whilst traumatised, clearly enjoying seeing all the universe has to offer, plus Tennant’s performance is simply incredible.

13 - I was diagnosed as being Autistic and ADHD in the past few years and 13 was The Doctor during that and I saw so much of myself in her. I know there’s lots of people who see The Doctor as obviously Autistic coded. Representation matters to me and a female Doctor was wonderful to see.


3, 4, 11

Three was my first Doctor. I like the confined to earth/UNIT story and the Doctor trying to basically bugger off again. Made going off world special. Also the charm of 3 is fantastic.

Four is more to do wtih the pure charm and charisma of Baker. He doesn’t take himself too seriously but takes his role serious.

Eleven has great middle-age-but-still-a-kid energy. Smiths ability to play old and weiry is the best there has been in the show.

Honorable mention to Thirteen. While Jodie is great and the ideas that were sometimes expressed was interesting just everything else, for me, around it was just bad. I hope in a few years she gets to express herself in audio form. She could turn into a fav if that happens.