Who are your top three Doctors?

seeing my dear Nine so low :((



Welcome to the forum @littleampersand - good to have you here.

Toby Hadoke has a thing about the ‘never eat pears’ stuff from the Doctor. He hates the show - and indeed the main character - professing a hate for food as he thinks it’s not a message the younger audience of the show should be getting. He admits it comes from the fact he grew up in a family without much money and a discipline to eat what was given to them.

I know in the show it’s always done as a gag, but I think he does have a point.


@sircarolyn How are you going to present the results of your study? I am very interested in the result if some connections are stronger than others.

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Beyond the fact that that’s probably a deeper reading into a little running gag than is really warranted, I also just think that it’s absolutely fine and good for kids to dislike certain foods and express that dislike


I will not stand for this Morbius Doctors erasure :triumph::wink:


One thing I thought funny was when, watching Lower Decks, there ended up being a plot point about Rutherford hating pears. Usually the show makes a ton of references to other Star Treks, but it’s nice when you spot references to other shows as well…


Frankly, 2 should be so much higher in the rankings than he is. Troughton is amazing as the Doctor.

I’m not sure I’ll ever understand the love for 12. :neutral_face: I mean I enjoy lots of his stories but as a characterisation of the Doctor… not for me.


For me, a lot of why the second Doctor doesn’t come up much on ratings I do is just that I haven’t watched 10 of his serials, much like the 1st Doctor. I quite enjoy him, but I don’t really feel right ranking him yet. (And, of course, I like all Doctors, and even if I was asked for my absolute favorites, it’s be more than 3 of them.)


Substitute “12” with “10”, that’s how I feel.
I like the 12th Doctor, I like most of his stories but I freaking LOVE Capaldi and his acting skills.
I could wax lyrically about specific scenes of him as the Doctor, but the best thing he ever did in the Whoniverse was as Frobisher in Children of Earth, Day 5. The look on his face as he closes the door behind him with that loaded gun. That was heartbreaking, and is sending chills down my spine as I write this, and literally one of only two times tears went down my face while watching anything in the Whoniverse


Great question, not sure - obviously everyone’s been picking a different top three but I think it might be interesting to see if there are pairs of Doctors that people pick more often than others


Oh Capaldi is brilliant as Frobisher. It’s probably more Moffat’s characterisation choices that turned me off 12 early on, especially the ridiculous - ‘I hate soldiers’ stuff.

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When you are right you are right. The soldier hate was indeed jarring, and his attitude towards Danny Pink was taken way too far - calling him P.E would be fine if it had come with an attitude of friendly banter. And I will not engage in a discussion of the CyberBrig again :roll_eyes:
But he wanted to know if he was a good man and in realising that he was straying from that path changed his path (if not general demeanor) towards one of kindness. As any of their other incarnations he was filled with flaws, and that is what I love about Capaldi’s portrayal - his subtle acting showcased this in a way probably not seen since Throughton. Just my two cents :slightly_smiling_face:


I mean the soldier stuff is literally part of a character flaw that he moves past in his first season arc though. Like a massive part of the S8 finale is basically calling him out for like being a hypocrite and projecting his own moral crisis onto soldiers as a concept


I need like him a lot more by the time Series 10 rolled around and I recently rewatched the Zygon two parter and ‘got’ the final speech which had left me cold the first time round.


Oh don’t get me started on the season finale - ugh.

The problem I had with the soldier stuff was, whether it was a flaw or not, it made no sense to put it on a character who has/had best friends who were soldiers and once (sort of) willingly worked for a military organisation. I know he’s always disliked guns/violence/etc but the outright hate and nastiness he showed, particularly towards Danny just didn’t work for me at all.

And the whole weird love triangle thing between the Doctor, Clara and Danny…no thanks.


It’s funny to me how much you dislike 12 when I always mistake your profile picture for him

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The finale literally uses the brigadier as a callout of this exact hypocrisy though

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And I must put it on record that I still happily watch his era and, actually, having gone back to some stories with a bit of distance (I’ve rewatched a fair few Series 8 stories recently) I do find elements of 12 I like more than I did. But Series 8, for me, has a lot of unlikeable stories: Listen, The Caretaker; Dark Water/Death in Heaven, In the Forest of the Night.

It also has Flatline and Robot of Sherwood which I really like though, so you know, I’m not completely against the era.

It really annoys/frustrates me when fans dismiss entire eras of Doctor Who. I will always look for the positives.