What's your Doctor Who 'ick'?

Actually this gives me one

I don’t mind the new season being season 1, but I hate that the 60th is ‘the start of ‘modern’ who’ instead of ‘the end of ‘revival’ who’


No, but I can wish you good luck! There are quite a few of us who have already made it to the other side. It’s a bumpy ride, but it’s so worth it!






Yes! I have gone bananas and I blame this site for making me care so much about badges that I force myself to sit through 26 episodes of terrible sci-fi TV for children :laughing:

But as @Tian noted: being bananas is good :wink:


Indeed :sunglasses:


I’d like to watch the k9 series because I think that’s the only thing that will truly convince me it’s real

I remember my dad telling me about the show when i was a kid and thinking he was making it up xD


Come join us!


11 + Clara in 7B, too much romance and together there just irritating really, I love 11 with the Ponds and Clara with 12 but together they just don’t work


I really, really dislike when characters from completely separate eras meet in the wrong order. Let me explain.

I am fine with characters meeting during multi Doctors. That doesn’t count. But I don’t want to see the Brigadier meeting the First Doctor, I couldn’t care less for River meeting anyone before Ten (but specially Nine), etc etc. And although we know about their history, I don’t feel like the Master fits in the First and Second Doctor eras. No First Doctor meeting the Cybermen before The Tenth Planet, either.

There is an exception to the rule: if the story arc revolves around it, it can work. Charley with Six, to a lesser extent River in Doom Coalition (I’d prefer if not, but at least there is a story being told about it there). I am not talking about time shanenigans either (example: weird stuff in the War in Heaven), that’s cool too.

I just hate when it’s these characters casually meet when they shouldn’t.


But what about



Have you listened to Star-Crossed? Because it genuinely is an absolutely brilliant box set. And every time River meets a younger version of the Doctor there is a way he forgets her to keep the timeline straight.


Not yet, exactly because it icks me. But I will… eventually…

And if anything the forgetness makes it worse for me. It’s a character driven reset button. (Again: Charley and Six are the exception)


Yes I understand the reset being annoying, it bugs me too but unfortunately it’s something that has to happen.

But at least it’s not a total reset. River remembers.

And it gives such a wonderful insight into Nine’s character, and is a box set that really teaches you about aromantic and asexual people, something I have never come across in any other media.


I agree - especially when they have to do some tenuous back flips of continuity to explain why the Doctor didn’t seem to recognise them the first time round - and this is extremely obvious with River when it’s part of the plot of Silence in the Library that the Doctor doesn’t have a clue who she is.

That said, I do still quite like some of the Classic Doctor New Monster stories.


One thing I kind of both love and hate on The Owl House is that Lilith being aroace is canon… but it’s not revealed in the show.

Rather, there was a livestream for charity by people from The Owl House, including Dana Terrace, the creator, and the voice actor for Lilith read off a letter during it that made it pretty clear she was aroace.

It was a great letter that fit into the show perfectly, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had just been cut for space or lack of a good place to put it. The Owl House has tons of LGBTQIA+ representation that actually was in the show…


But then in The Time of Angels, River says:

DOCTOR: How do you know who I am? I don’t always look the same.
RIVER: I’ve got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order, though. I need the spotter’s guide.

Which surely implies she’s met all his other incarnations? Otherwise why does she need all the pictures? And why say that he never shows up in the right order? :blush:


I’d think if she needed pictures of them, that’d mean she hadn’t met all of them, or she would have just remembered their faces. There are any number of places she could’ve gotten copies of the Doctor’s pictures.

That is, of course, at that point in her timeline.


Yeah the way I see it (and yes I think about this a lot) is that she has the pictures in case she bumps into a version of him she hasn’t met yet, and by that episode she had met many of them (hence “never show up in the right order” - if she hadn’t met any of them that line doesn’t make sense), but just not all of them yet.

I haven’t explored the full Big Finish timeline but I’m sure this would fit in :smile:


I haven’t heard that one yet, so how does that make sense with the way the Ninth Doctor talks about “dancing”?

"You just assume I don’t “dance”
If anything I would assume that this was an incarnation that… got around :wink: