Just watched the two first episodes of the k9 show (was interested because of the bad ratings). It is so bad it is almost fun. The acting is terrible and the story is worse. This leaves 2 questions.
How was this allowed by the BBC?
Why did this happen?
Fun Fact: It was filmed in Tegan’s (and Janet Fielding’s) home town of Brisbane! (and also where I used to live/go to uni so watching it was an absolute trip recognising the filming locations)
I’ve only managed 8 episodes of this. One of the things I can’t get my head around is the fact they scripted it as set in London but it looks nothing like London, not even a London of the future. I think it would be a little more palatable if they had just set it in Australia. Australia has given us some pretty good sci-fi in the past (anyone else remember The Girl from Tomorrow) so there’s no reason, really, this should be as bad as it is.
There’s some really weird direction/editing in it; some people are obviously dubbed in post production but somewhere in there are some actually decent ideas and decent performances.
I will finish it at some point because leaving it unfinished eats away at my soul…
This was the Omega film which ended up in rights hell. Sadly, now that Bob Baker has passed, I don’t know who the rights rest with (although I have a strong suspicion) and, in his latter days, I do think Baker may have been taken advantage of somewhat.
I love Australian K9, it’s so much fun to watch. The characters and worldbuilding are almost interesting sometimes. There’s one episode where they have to play the theme tune of the show on the pipe organ to stop a wind-controlling alien from destroying the world.
Just did a search here on Guide. K9 episode 22 “Mind Snap” has the lowest rating of anything televised in the Whoniverse - an abysmal 1,1
I definitely need to watch this at some point
Watch 3 more episodes of K9 now and I am starting to find it cute. Don’t get me wrong it is bad but it is starting to become fun bad. I think it helps that I am really tired but have to be awake with my youngest child who can’t sleep.
I have started to appreciate this show. Don’t get me wrong it is a bad show. But it has started to be bad in a good way. My favorite part is the love triangle between the three main characters.
One thing that helps me is to only watch this when I am tired. And with small kids that happens a lot. It is perfect to watch this when you can’t focus on anything else. I am on episode 18 now and I will never rewatch it. But I will miss it when it is over.