What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

Is it better than your last job though?

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Oh, it is. This week has been learning the systems and procedures they use. Today was a lot of sit in front of computer and go over policies. I’ve only done about 5 hours work in a 32-hour work week.


Hmmm should I help you push your car out of the water…… hell no because you don’t give a crap about my house getting water in it. Sorry our town has storm sewers that they don’t like turning on the pumps. Yes we been looking for a new place but my goodness houses are expensive.
Yes water has subsided only took 3 hours.
No I am not usually a **** but when you see people fly down the road with no care for peoples cars or houses you just don’t care for these people anymore.


We did some gardening today.


Oh man, that sucks! I would give anything to have some of that rain though! Finland has been hit by a heat wave, and this is the third week of temperatures near 30°C and full sun, with no rain in sight. We are constantly sweating at home! The coldest places right now are my office and the grocery store :hot_face:


We been lucky and have not had the heat wave yet. You probably would not want the weather we been having in the states, deadly tornadoes and hail storms been making rounds. Thank goodness wife look outside when she did or both our vehicles would have been water-log.
Picture a few years back that killed 2 of our cars and took the insurance company 1 year to pay off Jetta loan.


Yes, that’s one of the reasons I could never live in the States: I’d be scared of all the tornadoes and earthquakes and other terrible natural phenomena that don’t appear over here! Take care out there, I know some of those storms can turn very nasty!

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I’m feeling decidedly dodgy today. Extremely wiped out and brain foggy. The problem with spending so much time home alone is that I often feel lonely even though I don’t really have the energy to engage in a conversation. I don’t even have the concentration to watch or listen to some Doctor Who. That is very frustrating.


My vocal lesson got cancelled so instead I went to the library. They didn’t have any Doctor Who books (which I expected) but I did get the complete Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which I’ve been meaning to read for about a decade. On the way home I learned the mother of my cat had two new kittens and I got to pet them for a while. I almost fainted before making it home (it’s very hot today) but I’m good. One hell of a rollercoaster.


I hope you enjoy The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s a fun read, especially if you enjoy Douglas Adams’ brand of humour.

I love kittens. They are some of the cutest things in the universe. I wish I could have kittens in my life every single day.


Kittens are adorable, but honestly I’m glad my cat is full grown now. They’re such a handful! I rarely had the energy to play with him as much as he wanted.


Definitely. Older cats may not have the full on cuteness of kittens, but they are so much easier to care for. And they still are pretty cute. I love cats and we tend to adopt older ones. Kittens are great in photos or videos, where I don’t have to put the energy into cleaning up after them!


My wife tried out a new recipe tonight for a chicken ramen (a dish the kids, and myself, love to have from Wagamama’s) and her version was absolutely top tier delicious! :yum:


I thought this was somehow linked to kittens for a moment and got very concerned :laughing:


I have discovered the true physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that comes from a 50-hour workweek for a job that is very high on mental and emotional labor. Will next week’s paycheck be amazing? Yes. Can I do literally anything other than the bare minimum of existing right now? No.


Took my laptop in for a repair that was quoted at $600 a couple weeks ago and the guy at the Apple store was able to make it so it’s only $250


I have to admit that those first few words undoubtedly seemed like they were taking the comment into very dark territory :laughing:


Took my truck in to the tire shop because of a bad vibration at 60-65mph. Turns out they did not balance one of the tires right. Pretty bad I never notice a problem till the other day when I took it on the highway for the first time since I had new tires put on 6 months ago. So this made my day because no money out of my pocket :smiley: and tells me I need to drive it more but I do love the gas mileage on the wife’s Prius so much more.

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Took my eldest to the location for Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans today - or as all the tourists call it - HMS Belfast.

Good fun.


I learned about the Tardis Guide site today.