What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

The PhD is officially in “Computing and Informatics”

My research is all about ways to reduce the energy usage and the associated greenhouse gas emissions of software systems.

I designed and buikt a low-cost test rig which can be used to compare the energy usage and performance of different software when doing the same job. This apparatus can either be used stand-alone to evaluate candidate applications or software components, or integrated with the “Continuous Integration” built, test, and deploy pipelines used for most significant software projects.

I compared some popular web server applications, the ones used on millions of servers around the world, and found definite differences in energy use between them. I also compared serving the same website using WordPress and as a static website and found between 20 and 50 times difference in energy usage depending on which server software was being used. None of this information is available on the web to help people make an eithical and financial choice.

The TL;DR is that the choice of software really matters, and the only way to really find out is to test software both when selecting applications or components and when testing new releases of an existing application.

There’s a bit more information on my project website at https://greenprogrammer.net/


That sounds fascinating and extremely relevant for the world we live in.
I hope it is something that will be taken further :+1:


Sounds interesting and important. Great job!


Made my day: Almost done with training in this new job. Passed the knowledge assessment and cleared to start actually doing what I spent the last 2 weeks learning to do. Last day training is tomorrow and then we’re off to the races.

Not made my day: When I got home the wi-fi was out and it’s still not back up an hour and a half after they said it would be. So that sucks.


My day was made yesterday because I now have a friend who I can go running with, which is helping with my motivation as I’d pretty much ran out of steam (pun intended). It’s true what they say, you really can push harder, further and faster when there’s someone with you!

And tonight I’m going to see Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire with some friends, one I haven’t seen in years :grin:


Enjoy - we took the kids to see it over the holiday (they’ve recently worked their way through the canon) and they enjoyed it.

I’ll be interested to see your take on it.

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Having a bit of a fangirl moment.

John Dorney retweeted my relative/friend’s tweet about my site :star_struck:


How brilliant! Dorney’s a good bloke and a great actor/writer for BF.


Well I emptied my dryer an hour ago and spent 20 minutes looking for a missing sock. Checked all over/in my other clothes that were taken out at the same time.

Turns out it had managed to hide its way into the inside pocket of my work trousers… I laughed then almost cried. Mild swearing was involved…my neighbors hate me more.


Just being blown away by all the Doctor Who media blitz here in the States. The TARDIS is at Disneyland! That feels borderline wrong to say, and yet, I adore it. I genuinely think that, despite the hesitation from the fandom, this show is in extremely good hands on the business end with Disney distributing and the media blitz is proving that.


If there is anything I love about BF, it’s that they try their best to work with actors/writers/directors/producers who don’t have disgusting opinions about the rights of human beings and will drop them at the closest bus stop when they show their rears.


My wife’s been down with the flu for almost a week now, and we had to cancel our planned May Day celebrations for today because she has a fever and doesn’t feel very well. It’s a pity because today’s been such a sunny and warm day! Spring is finally arriving in our cold northern corner of Europe :laughing:

Having said that, I moved the picnic we had planned to our living room floor instead, so my wife didn’t have to make too much of an effort, and we could have some good food and drink anyway.

And I just remembered that it’s Eurovision and New Doctor Who month! I can’t wait!


I hope your wife feels better soon - sounds like you’re taking good care of her! Picnic in the living room sounds fun!

I queued up these two stories on the website today which is incredibly exciting!


Sometimes it’s the little things that makes your day.
For the next couple of hours it’s just me, a book and a cup of coffee in our outdoor lounge with this view over the fields next to our house. :blush:


Don’t like to bring a downer here but yesterday my best friend of 35 years called me to say his dad was in hospital and it looked like this may be the end. It’s going to be a rough ride for him and his mum if/when it happens.


I’m sad to hear that. I hope for the best!
The support of friends in such situations is incalculable. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Supposed to be getting a parcel delivered. Both yesterday and today I get an email at 10am saying that its out for delivery, and by 12 I get another saying that it can’t be delivered today. I hate when people use the cheapest parcel carriers. Save £1, but cause issues for the person receiving it.

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I’ve been sick for a little over two weeks now and I was recovering well but then yesterday I had a fever and a migraine all of a sudden. I still feel terrible but better than yesterday. Normally I would use getting sick as an excuse to watch TV, but right now it’s all too bright and flashing for me. Really sucks.


My daughter is 4 years old and has not seen any Doctor Who yet. Saw this today and asked, “Is that from Doctor Who?”


I’m currently doing training for work. My god, I’m bored. Only 4 more hours. Yay! /sigh