What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

Well, you know, if you replace the hard drive, you could probably replace it with with a SATA SSD, and grab one with more storage space then the hard drive it’s replacing, both giving you more storage space and faster storage, as long as you get something that is able to fit in that spot in the console…


True, but it might not only be a hard drive problem. I just highly suspect it is.


True, though you could reuse the better new hard drive on a new ps4 if it turned out not to be the hard drive.

Unless, of course, you’ve got an extra hard drive laying around you could test it with. Main issue is that it has to be one that’s small enough to fit in a laptop, I believe.

I’d personally probably have at least one hard drive I could test it with laying around, but that’s just because I have all sorts of old computer junk laying around. I’ve gone as far as building a computer out of old spare parts in my apartment once…

(Of course, it might be worth just opening it up once, taking the hard drive out, then putting the hard drive back in, and starting it up, just in case it had a bad connection. )


When I say probably…


Your address would be nice lol /jk

I’m definitely swinging more towards just getting a PS5 (I own a bunch of digital games only playable on next-gen) but I don’t think I’ll scrap the PS4 just yet.

I’ll do what you suggested and replace it, see if that works, but probably at a later date. My boyfriend has a spare PS4 too which I could swap over the drives but other than that, I don’t have any spares.

It does suck though because of how sudden it was. Or maybe not really because apparently the PS4 rebuilding the database every time it turns on isn’t normal, but I’m so accustomed to it I thought it was.

Also thinking back to when my cats would knock over my PS4 and I’m pretty sure the impact shattered right where the hard drive was. Last November. But that was only the casing though they are quite flimsy.


Well, I suspect that fact I’m in the us would be the first issue…

To be fair, only three of those are likely to work in a ps4, and I’m pretty sure at least one of them is dead, because I remember a laptop hard drive failing at some point. That’s the trouble with my spare parts I have sitting around. I’m never sure if it’s something I replaced in an upgrade, or something that died.

The origin of most of those hard drives is me getting low on space at one point or another and deciding to buy a bigger one, though, so at least one of them probably works. Wouldn’t be terribly surprised if one of them was the original hard drive that came with a laptop and I just immediately ripped it out.

And buying a ps5 might be nice. No need to throw away the old ps4 just because you got a ps5, too, though I would say that. A ps5 is just about the only playstation I don’t have, actually, though I haven’t used most of them in a while, and lost track of my psn password anyways. I usually prefer a computer, and when the ps5 came out, I went XBox instead…

And yeah, generally not a good idea to drop a hard drive, so that might’ve been part of it, though it could also just have sectors that have gone bad over time. (Oh, and never open up the case of a hard drive unless you are never planning on using it again, and want to make a clock or something from its parts. :stuck_out_tongue: )


You almost have to - Montreal is widely considered the sake capitol of the world.



we kind of wanted to find some soju (I recently accidentally turned this friend into a bit of a koreaboo :sweat_smile:) but then we got distracted by saké :joy:


A friend is writing a song and asked me to dig up the lyrics I wrote when he first mentioned writing songs. He sent me a guitar demo a few days back, which was not ideal. Now he’s saying that since I wrote in English, he’s not getting it, meaning the lyrics as a whole. So I just finished adding footnotes to this three-year-old lyrics I’ve forgotten for three years. Such an odd experience. :laughing:


So I ordered and bought a ps5 (secondhand) yesterday, and the seller then asked me for personal information or they wouldn’t send it to me.

So I decided to blackmail them and say if they refunded me I won’t report them for violating ToS. They refunded me.

Reported them anyway.


Apart from wanting your address what else could they need to know?


Made Castellan.

Bring on the mind probe, baby!


Social Security Number, mother’s maiden name, bank account info, you know, the usual.


My evening was completely spoilt last night because somebody on Twitter decided to add me into a group comprised of people who blocked me over a tweet I made that I regret from a few years ago. I got called a racist ****, and when I tried to defend myself, they basically just told me to shut up and accept it. I said we should just forgive and forget and move on, and they started coming up with nonsense comparing me to slave owners (I certainly do not own slaves and I don’t support historic incidences where black people were kept as slaves).

I then decided to create a chat group of my followers that would be a safe space to discuss Doctor Who without abuse being levelled at other people. They managed to find it through someone I added into the chat group, who thought it would be a good idea to add them in. I got called the same four letter swear word again, and they started adding in a string of inappropriate porn accounts in deliberately because I said I wanted it to be a safe space. They wanted to turn it into the opposite to make the others in the chatroom feel uncomfortable, purely because of their dislike towards myself.

The chat is still around and those people eventually left, but it was very frustrating. I apologized for the tweet last night in the chatrooms and they wouldn’t believe me, and still insisted I was a racist. The tweet in question was defending the Thirteenth Doctor weaponizing the Master’s skin colour against the Nazis in Spyfall, which I do regret tweeting and I will happily state that I should have listened to black people voicing their concerns instead of dismissing them completely.

Sadly, some people insist that a person can never change or alter their views, and regret their past actions. I was just so focused on defending anything to do with 13 as I love Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor, but I know that isn’t an excuse, and I should have listened to what the black community were saying about why the scene left them uncomfortable.


Twitter/X is the worst. People trying to bring others down to make themselves feel better.

I stopped using it as soon as I knew Musk would ruin it, but only recently started using it again because it seems all the Doctor Who fans are still on there and won’t budge.

I wish people would just go to a nicer place like Mastodon!


The Olympics begin today. I do love this sporting event. I was fortuante to go to a few events when it was in London in 2012.


Yep, and this place is much nicer than Twitter too. The main reason I stay on there is because if you leave, you let the bullies win, my mental health is excellent anyway and someone needs to stand up to those people. I don’t want to leave Twitter to be a place full of exclusively unpleasant people. I like the idea that there’s some flawed but okay people on there who do make mistakes but their hearts are in the right place.

What makes me laugh is that you get people who block you but they spy on your account and make digs at you. But when you spy on them with your second spare account, they don’t like it. Well don’t make half of your tweets about someone you blocked and who can’t see what you’re saying about them then.


This is my thing with Twitter. I can’t be bothered with all the drama. Seems like a waste of time tbh.


I’m not into sport much at all but I do love an Olympics.


Olympics, athletics in general is great.

I went to a few events in 2012. Sadly lost all the pix from back then :frowning: