Reading a post on top sugery care and WeChat recommend a transphobe post right after it. Not the way I want to start a day.
WeChat what do you mean people like this post (medical care for trans people) also like these… (a random terf post just shouting nonsense and pretending to be feminist)? What kind algorithm does this?
I had a good chat with the area manager that I’ve been helping set up a new store. He has set a face-to-face meeting with me next week to see what I want to do, and how he sees me helping, going forward. I think he was impressed how I dealt with someone a couple of rungs up the ladder from me, while still trying to show him what to do.
The most shocking thing is getting told “thank you” from a boss. It’s weird.
15+ years of retail, and the most I’ve had has been “cheers” when completing a task. Mainly why I preferred taking shifts on my own. When I’ve been in charge of people, I always make sure they know how much they are appreciated.
My PS4’s operating system crashed today, and it’s basically a brick until I get a USB drive tomorrow, then I can see whether it’s a software or a hardware problem. (Hopefully a software problem, because the alternative is unaffordable). Only had him 5 years. He crashed when I tried starting up YouTube of all things. Means all of my saved data since 2019 is gone from my single player games. Hurts the soul.
So I took it as a sign from God to go back to my ancient PS3 and finish New Vegas. They don’t make consoles like they used to
I’m just having one of those really bad work days at the moment. I work in the billing department for a mobile company, and I’m having one of those shifts once in a while where everyone just wants to yell at you for things that aren’t your fault.
I had one call where somebody was refusing to pay for their monthly for a contract, because they had put in the cancellation today, and I advised them that because we bill a month in advance, you still have to pay for that contract and then they reimburse you. I didn’t handle that one the best, as I got fed up at the caller ranting over me constantly and demanded them to please let me speak so I could explain, but they just kept talking anyway. It ended up going to a manager because they wouldn’t believe me when I said it’s our policy that we charge a month ahead and they get reimbursed later.
I checked the account later, and it looked like they agreed to pay for both lines in the end. I don’t get some people though. To me, it is common sense that if you cancel a line after the bill was produced, you’re still going to be billed for it.
The second one was this guy shouting at me down the phone angrily because his phone hadn’t been working in Greece and calling the company I work for all names under the sun. That one I did handle better, but it was still one of those deeply unpleasant ones.
I am normally great at handling the angry callers, but I think sometimes they can just push you too far. I’m a lot better at customer service than I used to be, as at one point I got fired from a job for calling a customer an idiot for saying he was going to take legal action against the company I was working for at the time. I wouldn’t do that now as it was a stupid mistake, but it doesn’t make it any easier, and it can be hard sometimes just to stay calm and not let them get to you.
I’ve been playing through the Super Mario RPG remake on Switch and I’m nearing the end. It’s been a lot of fun, I got to spend most of the day today playing it
Been enjoying my new game Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. It makes me feel like a better gamer than I actually am when I succeed at the challenges.
I think there is a certain appeal to retro games. They have a kind of charm to them, and it helps that my Mum introduced me to things like the SEGA Mega Drive as a child.
Had a retirement do for our school secretary on Friday night at a Greek restaurant - full on dancing, plate smashing raucousness. Not usually my scene but was a great night out.
Annoyed I still have 2 and a half days of school though as both the kids have already broken up. Literally crawling to the end of term.
I had a pretty difficult time taking care of myself today, but I managed to push through and make a midnight pizza which was fully edible and even passable despite eyeballing the measurements, and I’m halfway done with my massive project with only an estimated 25 hours of work left to go!
My depression has been pretty bad in the couple of days. It’s honestly mainly annoying at this point because not only do I feel miserable, I can’t really study either and I have exams next week so I just get more stressed. Also my fingers hurt because I pick my skin badly when I’m stressed.
Anyway, today I managed to get caught up on studying at least, so that’s something.
Still feeling very much incapable of passing these exams though, hoping that’ll change in the next few days.
Wife and I were away on the weekend for her friend’s mother’s 95th birthday. I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Like the friend and her mother’s a sweetie, but I don’t know the rest of the family. But it was a very nice time. Her whole family’s really easy to talk to. But that wasn’t today.
What didn’t make my day today was the trip home. We were 4 hours away. Took over seven hours to get home. Knew it would be more than 4 hours, given it’s a Sunday in the summer and that means a ton of shore traffic, but on top of that there were multiple accidents along the way that ground traffic to a halt. Very tedious.