What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

“They” being people that haven’t been pooped on :joy:


I had 4 people say to me that I should buy a lottery ticket. I took an shower instead :joy:


For the person or the bird?


I live in one of the big cities in Finland and we have a great, modern and well-stocked library. I’m ashamed to admit that I never use their services, amd I don’t know why. It just never occurs to me.

Don’t blame them when you miss out on your millions!


Ironically, I rarely use the library myself because of the fact I have numerous shelves groaning under the weight of unread books (mainly Doctor Who but not exclusively).

My kids still take books out though and I do browse the shelves if I go with them looking at all the books I would read if it weren’t for the piles at home.


my day has been absolutely made by FINALLY finishing writing up my dofe gold physical work! it has taken forever and felt so painful but i did it! now to upload and on to the next thing lol


This is why libraries are important to me.

I grew up poor, and basically illiterate. I was always bottom of my year in English etc. Being kicked out of school for a few weeks, my grandmother took me to the library, and she made me pick a book up. The one I picked changed my life. Terry Pratchett - Pyramids. I was in love. Even to this day, Terry Pratchett is my favourite author. It was only 300 pages, but it took me 2 weeks to read. The library was a way for me to read what I wanted, when I wanted, without a restriction due to low funds.

Libraries are important and can change people’s lives. Whenever you hear about people trying to cut funding for library services, fight for them! Even if you don’t use them.

(Damn I got emotional writing this)


At least you’ve gotten your children into the habit of using the library, so there’s hope for the future :star_struck:

I also have a problem with owning too many books that I’ve yet to read, yet not having enough time to read them all (and I continue acquiring more, against better judgment).


That’s so few!

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Libby is great, but you only have access to the titles in your library system. So in my library system, there’s only 64 Doctor Who audio titles and 1 ebook. There’s actually more audiobook CDs in the catalog (122).


So, at the risk of being very rude towards Danes (I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, @BillFiler) I have to share this video joke my wife sent to me. We found it hilarious (because it’s technically true), but you have to understand some Swedish and Danish to get the joke :sweat_smile: this totally made my day!


Haha. Thats funny! Reminds me of this! (even more Swedish/Danish in this)


Libraries are awesome. That is often my first option for Doctor Who. As I’ve said before, check to see if your local library/library system has an Inter-library Loan program as that’s a good way to get titles that aren’t in the system or to put titles that might get purchased for the collection on the purchasers’ radar. I’ve currently got several new Doctor Who titles “In Process” or “On Order” (the 60th novelizations, a DWM Eighth Doctor collection, a DWM Thirteenth Doctor collection and a newer Seventh Doctor boxset), plus I’m about to start a Who novel that they were able to get from sent from Alabama all the way to Washington State. We also have a “library of things”. This includes board games, jigsaw puzzles, American Girl dolls, discover pass backpacks, ukuleles, light therapy lamps, a little electrical power monitor and a wi-fi hotspots (which always have long wait lists).


Why is that cat screaming Chokolade? :joy:
That’s hysterical!


Ah yes, the Danish way to count things, which I have never understood. I suck at maths, so I can’t be expected to learn to count in Danish by also having to do maths at the same time :joy: this lacks any logic to me!

Wow, you can get your hands on loads of stuff through your local library! That’s cool! Sadly, Doctor Who and similar niche stuff in other languages than Finnish/Swedish are hard to come by even through the library system in Finland. It’s a bit better through our digital library systems, but I haven’t explored them thoroughly yet.


I have studied university-level math for 1.5 years and am a legitimized math teacher (even if I don’t work as a teacher now). I have no idea how @BillFiler and his friends count.


:joy: It makes perfect sense people! :joy:

To misquote Bloodaxe from The Time Warrior: “Ours is a towering intellect!”


It’s even fewer if you take a close look and see that a few of them aren’t even Doctor Who books. So sad. Cross Stockholm off my list of places to visit. I have to boycott the whole city in protest.


I know. And the ones that are Who books are not even stories just different types of encyclopedias.


I have no idea. But since Nick Briggs is surely lurking in the corners of the forum looking for story ideas, he might give us a Short Trip or something about the Cat That Spoke Danish.