What Are You Currently Watching?

Oh how I love the Pertwee years - I’ve seen the first two episodes of “Frontier in Space”, though I prefer the Target novelisation name “Doctor Who and the Space War”. That Malcolm Hulke fellow is good at this Doctor Who lark.

I hope they never bring back the Draconians to our screens, I don’t think I could cope if they were given a sub-par script (Mindgame does not count!:wink:)


Just finished The Savages (3.5/5) I like the premise a lot and think it works well as a serial. There are a few places where it drags on a little, but for the most part it moves along at a decent clip. Oh and the soundtrack is very different for this era of Who.

Now onto the Cushing Dr Who films as a treat. :upside_down_face:


Just finished both Cushing Dr Who films. Both get a 3/5. They aren’t terrible, but they’re not great. Totally watchable.


Mindgame…exists…but Miles Richardson is great at the Draconian and his monologue in Mindgame Trilogy is excellent.


Are you even leaving the sofa at the moment?!


Waiting for new job to start. Got another week and a half. Hayfever means I can’t really go anywhere. I was on my feet 12 hours a day, 5 days a week for years. My old feet need a rest. Plus my partner is here. What more could I want.


Finished The War Machines (4/5) and The Smugglers (2.5/5).

Polly is great. Love her look and attitude. Ben is a shouty damp squib so far. Dodo was never a favourite and I’m glad she’s gone.

The Smugglers was a struggle. It just went on and on and on.


That sounds about right.

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Just watched “The Runaway Bride”. You almost get whiplash from how different Tennant is in his portrayal of the Doctor compared to series 2.
Catherine Tate and David Tennant together is just a perfect comedic pairing :+1: The best RTD Christmas special by some distance in my book.

Oh well there will be more of them later. Next up series 3 with the “pining for his lost love and coping by being mean and condescending to Martha”-version of the Tenth Doctor :eyes:


Just finished The Hand of Fear. Really good episode. I’m very sad to see Sarah go, though. She’s my favourite classic companion so far, but I’m excited to see Leela so that might change.


I was just watching SJA today, I was really in the mood for it. Sarah is one of my favourite companions ever ever, but so is Leela and despite the naysayers, a lot of her episodes actually are pretty decent


Watched Episode 1 of The Underwater Menace animation this morning. Rather enjoyed that. Not sure what I’ll do for Episode 2- probably the animation and then the existing episode.


Watched two episodes of Planet of the Daleks and Smith and Jones yesterday, and then two more of Planet today.

It’s Terry Nation playing all his hits. Surprise Dalek cliffhanger though Dalek is in the title, invisible creature, callbacks to “The Daleks” (Pertwee has the best smile on his face when mentioning Susan, Ian and Barbara :slightly_smiling_face:), character named after himself (and his daughter here) - but you know what? Sometimes the hits are what you want to hear! :grin:


Planet of the Daleks is generally just really well executed. It’s an incredibly cozy watch even if it is derivative.


Currently watching The Green Death. Started at the beginning and have just started the second episode. Oh Jo you were there for three whole seasons but somehow it never feels like enough.



The Romans.

Halfway through episode 3 now, think I’ve only ever seen the first episode before this. Great fun, Hartnell is marvelous as the Doctor is this. This elusive, mischevious performance is one I feel neither writing nor performance ever capture in the recasted TV depictions.


Vicki is great in this too.

I really love the outfits in this serial. They look cooling and comfortable.


The Stones of Blood with the Who Talk commentary.


Classic action for me with Peter Davidson, Terminus. Waiting for tomorrow for Boom.


Been catching up with my TV Club posts but not actually rewatching them because honestly if I just close my eyes I can replay those episodes in my head I’ve seen them so much :joy:

Probably won’t be able to see Boom until Sunday as I’m out on Saturday evening, but very excited.