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I do agree. That’s a very small population across a planet that seems to have Earth-like gravity like most planets on DW to be fair). But, though the library covers the planet, maybe most of it is archive rather than accessible by the public? It’s like a museum. The publically accessible part of big museums is actually only a tiny portion of the museum itself. The number of people in the private collections is far smaller than in the public viewing galleries. (I frequently go into private collections in museums through my research work - my favourite part of any museum as it’s also where the most intetesting things can be found). I think the Library must be like that!


Polished off the last of my non-season 11 Third Doctor stories - Colony in Space, the Mutants, and the Time Monster.

Colony I literally fell asleep the first 3 episodes and had to rewatch. So, so dull. It got pretty good when the Master showed up though!

I had to watch The Mutants on 1.2x speed. Dear lord, sometimes length does not equal how much a story has to say.

Time Monster was my favourite of the bunch. So much fun! Hokey as hell but very, very fun.

Now, I only have Invasion and Monster left in 3’s run that I’ve never seen before, but for funsies I’m gonna rewatch all of the s11 stories I’ve already seen alongside all the audios and books that take place during it chronologically (aside from short trips, target novelisations and such) - tyvm tardis wiki timeline section.


I’m no fan of The Mutants but watching ANY Doctor Who at anything other than normal speed is utter sacrilege!! :scream:


I watched The Daleks on that speed, wherever I tread I leave nothing but squeakiness and funny movements, and I find it good.


Halfway through the Invasion. Pretty good so far… :1tardis:


Watched Episode 2 of Revenge of the Cybermen during supper.


Halfway through episode 6 of the Invasion at this point…


And that’s all of the Invasion!

A bit sad, really, since that’s the only story with the Brig I hadn’t watched.

Great story, too, and I can easily see how this set the template for the 3rd Doctor’s era.


I adore “The Invasion”. From the wonderfully arch Tobias Vaughn, to thuggish but hapless Packer, from the first true UNIT story to the climactic battle at the end, from Troughton’s mischievousness to his having to dodge explosions. I love it with a passion. I think it’s beautifully paced (yes, really), richly atmospheric in places and, without a shadow of a doubt for me, one of the very finest uses of the Cybermen. They benefit from being kept in the shadows for much of this story, allowing the sense of dread to build. The use of emotion against them also makes perfect sense (one of the things I really liked about “Age of Steel” in 2006 as well) and was so much more plausible than the “love wins the day” damp squib resolution of “Closing Time”.

Yes, a true classic in BOTH senses of the word!


I used to quite like it but the last time I watched it, I found it a bit boring! It’s not really a Cyberman story as they’re hardly in it and I’m not a huge Kevin Stoney fan (sacrilege, I know!). And for all those people complaining about the sound in The Web Planet, I’d take that any day over the unintelligible grating hummmmmmmmmmmmmm of the Cyberplanner!


Funny thing is… I really love the Cyberplanner. It’s just so weird, alien and … unknowable. I love the burbling, grating and almost unintelligible sounds it makes.

Boring? Boring? Boring? :open_mouth:

OK, I’ll let you off because in other matters, you have excellent taste :slight_smile: . Each to their own and all that.

Doesn’t matter what you say though.

I still LOVE IT TO BITS! :stuck_out_tongue:




Come on, RTD, bring back the cyber planner. You know you want to!




I was probably more amused when Vaughn said “Excellent!” then I should have been.


Well, it’s interesting that the Cybermen only really start using this word after their collaboration with Vaughn. In their emotionless way, they obviously decided that this was a useful word. It’s all Vaughn’s fault!



There was honestly a moment when I was wondering if the story was going to end up having him get converted, with a canon that he was the Cyberleader, just recast later…


Watched Web of Fear and really liked it! Did feel it went a little too long and could have been 4 parts, but the atmosphere was amazing and as always I loved Troughton. The animation in part 3 well… I respect they tried something new but no thanks.


Web of Fear is a great story (and kinda the precursor to The Invasion).

Funny thing is I have no idea what the animation looks like. I watched the reconstruction of Web of Fear, so for me episode 3 was a slideshow. Watched animated versions of the episodes in The Invasion, though.


The Invasion animation is beautiful, but it had some significant funding. Web 3 was a trial run of the mo-cap technique that was used for Celestial Toymaker. It definitely shows its flaws in Web 3. I hope that they’ll be able to do an updated version once they’ve mastered it a bit more. I thought Toymaker was leagues better than Web 3. Unless a ton of money turns up from somewhere, I suspect that this is the technique that will be used for future animations, should there be any.


I do love “The Web of Fear”. So much better than “The Abominable Snowmen”, enhanced even further by the juxtaposition of yeti with the London Underground network. It’s extraordinary when you realise that those underground tunnels were sets. So convincing! So much so, in fact, that apparently the BBC were initially in trouble for illegal filming in the London Underground… until they revealed that it was all done in studio.

As for the animation, it’s never really bothered me to be honest. I thought it worked just fine. I know others have very contrary opinions. :slight_smile: