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I am of the complete opposite opinion.

I have gone on record as calling that my least favourite exit ever.

The episode just decides it doesn’t want him anymore and abandons him five minutes in. No emotional pay off, it’s near identical to the exits of every other companion from the era and it is weirdly placed.


I think Dan made a reasonable decision after having been nearly killed by suffocation in space, taking stock of the situation and deciding that the chance he has with Diane is the path he wishes to pursue in life.

Plus Yaz and Dan’s “I’ll call ya” “I’ll ghost ya” is just the perfect encapsulation of their close-knit relationship.
It is a bit abrupt, but I don’t know, that just works for me as the story picks up the pace with a million plot points and threads right thereafter. And then the very end with Companions United, where we witness Dan being glad and content with his decision to leave when he did.
I feel like I can relate to Dan on a personal level, which isn’t really the case with a lot of the characters in Doctor Who.:slightly_smiling_face:

Every time I think about The Power of the Doctor I love it a bit more :wink:


Maybe it’s just me, but if I were travelling with the Doctor it would take being ripped into another dimension, being mind-wiped, or killed by a Cyberman before I’d just decide “this isn’t for me” and leave.

So when someone leaves of their own accord, I just find it baffling.

But Ryan is the worst imo, he says “my planet needs me” and thinks he can do more to help the planet on his own than with the Doctor :exploding_head:


Hey he’s got a YouTube channel to fill with videos that no-one watches :wink:

Oh I am quite self aware enough to know that TARDIS travel isn’t for me, so Dan’s (and Martha to an extent) decision just makes perfect sense to me :slightly_smiling_face:
I am much more a Brian Williams, maintaining the house while someone is gallivanting around space and time, and waiting with the kettle on to hear about those adventures :grin:


Every time I think of The Power of the Doctor I loathe it a bit more, but to each their own.

My problem with Dan’s departure isn’t exactly how - a companion fully just going “yeah, this just isn’t my thing” is a novel concept - but it’s done in one scene and =is incredibly underwritten. Plus it’s so painfully obvious that Chibnall just didn’t know what else to do with Dan, because he’s a non-character who only worked in Flux.


Not obvious to me it isn’t :wink: I loved Dan in all 8,12 stories that he was in :grin:


I did actually like Graham, Ryan, and Dan’s exits because of them breaking the trope of every companion being super special and only leaving because of dying or something comparable, and I’m definitely on the side of it being more like a classic companion exit.

(And that was something I noticed on Chibnall was that he leaned more towards classic who on things. Orphan 55 had a lot of issues, but it was definitely more of a 6/7 era episode, for example.)

With Dan’s exit, part of me wants to say John Bishop had scheduling issues and was only available for the short bit he filmed for his exit, but I’m not sure…


Now watching Flight Through Eternity The Story of Season 2.


I watched the first four episodes of the Monster of Peladon today. It was fun, though I’m not having as much fun with this one as with the last couple serials that I watched.


I’d have to find the info, but it was definitely something along those lines and definitely not just because Chibnall didn’t know how to write him out.


You’ve jinxed it now! Big Finish will make an epic box set all about The Last Day of Martha Jones now! Featuring everyone and their cat!


lol. I haven’t listened to that yet. But was really referring to seeing her on TV again!


Upcoming release:

“Once and Future: Okay it wasn’t quite the end with Coda because now we can stick on an extra episode with Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor with Martha Jones, Morton Dill, Strax, Kamelion, Handles, Lucie Miller, the new Big Finish Unbound Curator played by Nick Briggs and a Cat versus our “brand new” rogue Time Lord “the 13” (you’ll never guess who that is)”

Also, I thought you liked cats :wink:


Colin Baker?


Sure, him as well! The more the merrier!

Ann Travers is also there with Fifi and the Raston Warrior Robot


I sort of want to hear this now. All hail Morton Dill! I’m sure Peter Purves cannot wait to play Morton again!

I like cats. I love cats. I am, in fact, the biggest cat lover in the Whoniverse, second only to the Sixth Doctor himself.

The only cat I dislike is the one in the Cat’s Cradle trilogy.


But isn’t that essentially the TARDIS? How can you hate the TARDIS :sob::wink:


Forgot to say but I watched Enemy of the World this week. Troughton is incredible, to the point where you can almost nearly forget that Salamander and 2 are the same actor. Plus there’s so many fun and silly twists, what a blast! I do wish the conclusion wasn’t so quick though.


Well, after all, I am Professor Stream. I’m constantly stuck in places I don’t enjoy, without any means of escaping…


Ah, you are joking but I would kill for this guy to come back, I miss him :smiling_face_with_tear: I don’t want a CGI update though. I just want guy in a silver morph suit doing his thing