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The Armageddon Factor is an abysmal ending to a decent season imo


Today I watched Terror of the Autons, and the Mind of Evil.
Both were a lot of fun!
I enjoyed watching them a lot.


I enjoy the first series of Good Omens a lot. Really hit my Pratchett-loving heart.

The second season was OK, but it felt ‘thin’. There is a lot that I enjoyed, but for most of it I was waiting for the ‘plot’ to happen.


Just watched ‘Delta and the Bannermen’ for the first time.

Overall a very fun story not taking itself too serious however that does mean it falters a little due to that with McCoy seemingly not getting the memo about not being too serious.

Like I say its fun but not brilliant and I found one or two plot points a little too conveniently resolved. Other than that certainly an easy watch!


So a 5/5 rating on the site obviously… :smiley:


Had a lazy morning and watched the first two episodes of The Android Invasion :slightly_smiling_face: It is a really good set-up for a great Doctor Who story :+1:

(And watched episode 6 of The Acolyte. Such a good Star Wars show! Except for the horrible chanting “song” in one of the first episodes )


Just watched The Edge of Destruction and loved it! Thinking of dragging a friend to rewatch this with me… Now I’m reading the target novel.


I’m not too sure about about that we’ll see😅


Your membership hangs in the balance while you decide… :wink:


A friend of mine has been going through Season 21 for the first time so it’s provided me the excuse for my own rewatch and by extension the chance to rate the stories (as I only like to do that after a recent viewing).

Planet of Fire stands taller than I remembered, it’s got me thinking so much. It makes me wish there was another story with just the Doctor, Turlough and Kamelion, it makes me wonder what it’d be like if the three of them and Peri became a full team akin to how the era started, and it makes me wish they got more use out of Kamelion more than I already did. I’m well aware of all the very good reasons why he was swiftly abandoned, but he’s really well integrated here, I just wish we got to see the robot slightly more and that it was in that form he asked for his death.

Would’ve been nice to have another plot that majorly utilises him or failing that just to feature him heavily in TARDIS interior scenes throughout the season. Then again, that robot can’t do any “the TARDIS is out of control” acting!

Strickson is just really good too isn’t he? It’s hardly a revelation by this point, but this is up there with his strongest performances.


Rewatched The Claws of Axos yesterday with my family. I’ve always liked this one. This time around, I think I saw more of the faults with the story and pacing. Still fun though! Really enjoy the Axons as a creature/monster/whathaveyou


In the past couple of days I’ve watched:

The Tomb of the Cybermen (live action) 4.5/5 (fav)

This serial is a little slow to start but, after the first episode, trucks along nicely. The chemistry between Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines is so much fun. They really are a great pairing. The soundtrack also, as the kids would say, slaps.

The Abominable Snowmen (animated) 3/5

Cough. Cough. Cough. Rather slow and dull. There is the spark of a good idea in here, but it struggles to get out. This serial falls into the camp of being too long. At 4 episodes it would feel a bit snappier.

The Ice Warriors (animated/live action) 3.5/5

Interesting concept, and generally well written. I enjoyed the themes presented, and wish we could get a follow up to this overall story. While the story is enjoyable, some of the voices are rather hard to discern. The Ice Warriors voice mixes in with other noises and had me reaching for the subtitles. The costuming is great, even if there is some unexplained outfit changes between episodes.


Just watched Countrycide. More thoughts to come over in my Torchwood watchthrough journal.


Trying to finish seasons 3-5 which are the last episodes I have to watch before I’ve completed the entire show! If anyone has any recommendations as to what serial I should watch next, be my guest, although I have seen a few from these seasons already (mostly it’s just the lost episodes and animations I need to finish)!

In terms of non-Who TV I’m currently watching Star Trek Enterprise :smiling_face:


The theme song of Star Trek Enterprise has found us.


Today I finished The Claws of Axos, Colony in Space and The Dæmons.
I thought all of them were a lot of fun.


I just finished Shada. (2017 Version) I found it to be fairly enjoyable. I’m curious about the other versions of Shada, especially the novelization. Do they add anything to the story? Do you prefer a different version? Is the movie edit or the six-part edit better?


Just finished Brain of Morbius for the first time in preparation for the EDA S2 Finale. Wow. What an absolute banger of a story that was. I loved the gothic horror vibe of it all!


My fist experience of Shada was via audiobook and the moment I finished it I started all over again. (;·∀·) It was great fun and I do believe novel adds a lot to the story. It’s best to check on TARDIS Wiki tho.

Btw we have a Shada badge here for rating all versions of the story. :rofl:


My first experience with Shada was the Five Doctors… :stuck_out_tongue: