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ooooh excellent, thank you!


would it be alright if I copy/pasted my message over to there just for the sake of organisation?


Just watched Voyage of the Damned. I know that it is not perfect but I really like it. I think it has a nice gang with gang dynamics and I like that it has real consequences where good people die and stay dead.


It’s absolutely right! Go ahead! We look forward to reading your thoughts on the Series 1 episodes :slight_smile:


Just started the best season of the show!


Yes, there’s definitely unofficial copies on Youtube, but it didn’t feel entirely legit to make the Guide link to them.


I think you made some sort of mistake… The picture shown is from a 2005 Who season? :wink:


Rewatched The Awakening tonight. First time in a bit I’ve watched a TV story and been itching to write a review on it, so I’ll save the detailed thoughts for that, but in short: it’s very middling, but it’s a very good average, like a “+” grade. Narratively it feels a little loose, much like The King’s Demons before it and it tries to have this big cast in such a small story and ends up sidelining Tegan and Turlough in the process, very much a predecessor of what’s to come with Peri in the following season. Plenty of big ideas that it could’ve gotten more out of, but as it is it’s still pretty good in my book.

With the novelisation being by Eric Pringle I do have to ask anyone who’s read it, did he take the chance to expand upon and embolden his original ideas? Or is it a very direct translation of the TV story?


Watched The Robots of Death and Kinda this weekend!

Loved Robots of Death again, great story. Excellent set design, love the miniature shots of the sand miner, Tom has some great lines! Loved the opening scenes with the Doctor explaining how the TARDIS is bigger on the inside. Also really enjoyed the cliffhangers. The Robot designs are classic, the art deco design was perfect and still holds up. I’d love to see the robots return in the new series!! This one is like an 8.5 or 9 out of 10 for me.

Kinda - the first time I saw this, I didn’t like it much. I didn’t quite understand what was happening, just didn’t gel with it. This time around? Better experience! Some great performances, particularly Sanders changing from his initial personality to after he came back with the box. I think the Doctor and Adric come across really well here. Great scenes in Tegan’s dreams. Hindler is off the charts crazy, love him for that. On first watch, this was like a 6/10. Now? Closer to 7.5 or 8 out of 10 for me.

The one aspect both of these stories excel at is world building. From the miner’s different quarrels and backstory, to the relationship of the male and female Kinda, really good stuff. Feels fleshed out enough to make you want to know more.

Really glad I picked these :slight_smile:

Also LOVE the special features on the Blu Ray collection sets. The making-of documentaries are particular highlights.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: TV Time - (but not Doctor Who!)

A rewatch of Planet of Giants is on my agenda today.

After that, I’ll rewatch Pyramids of Mars before watching it again as part of the new Tales of the TARDIS, so that I can compare the two.


Just watched them all myself - where’s my badge :smiley:

Also - this was suggested by the algorithm and is fun:


I’m halfway through Enemy of the World and it is so flipping fun. The start on the beach, the freaking helicopter, the sassy chef, the cool female characters, just all round great stuff. And Patrick Troughton putting a right shift in suddenly playing a completely different character :joy: My only concern is I’m worried Jamie’s going to get stuck in trousers at the end and not get his kilt back :fearful:


My favorite of all the black-and-white stories.


I liked The Enemy of the World before it was cool to like The Enemy of the World. :smiley:

Seriously, though, it is a breath of fresh air in a season dominated by rather repetitive stories. It was such a wonderful thing that it was found because it meant ‘fan consensus’ was laid to rest about it being the weak link in the ‘monster season’. No amount of Ice Warriors or Yeti lumbering round a monastery can beat Patrick Troughton in his dual role proving what a brilliant actor he is.


And when you get to episode 4 everything just becomes bonkers plot wise. Such a fantastic story :blush:


yeah someone was telling me about it previously being one of the lost episodes and for a while all we had was the bit with the chef which was rather confusing xD they didn’t say specifically which episodes were around just that it had been hard to form an opinion on it at all for a while.

and yeah you’re right it’s a nice change of pace. Moreso than just monsters I’ve been thinking for a while that it’s been leaning more into the sci-fi than the historical education stuff, which in a way kind of makes sense because their first generation of fans would have been getting a bit older, but we haven’t been to the past since we met Jamie! I’ve really enjoyed what we have got, I just love Doctor Who for its variety so that’s definitely valuable


Okay just realized that my next couple of episodes are: Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead, Midnight, and Turn Left. That is also an amazing streak of episodes.


One of my favourite moments in The Enemy of the World is Fariah’s death scene, wonderful character and while I can’t help but feel like there’s a very unfortunate reason she of all of them died, she goes out with a banger of a line. Defiant to the end.


I commonly refer to this streak of episodes as my favourite run of TV ever.

All four of those stories are in my top ten episodes.