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It was soooooo slowwwww and barely anything happened.

Sutekh never even got up off the chair he was sitting in until the end and then was defeated by some techno babble.


How to tell people you have never seen Doctor Who without telling them you have never seen Doctor Who? :wink::wink::wink:


If it helps, I was going to rewatch it, then felt like I couldn’t really cope with everyone not British running away in superstitious fear and ‘as long as it wasn’t worn by Albert’ right then. Figure I’ll rewatch it when my tolerance for a different era is feeling a little higher. (Though bringing up Victoria was lovely.)


Here’s something I want to watch, but don’t really have time at the moment…


I’m currently partway through a punctual rewatch of some episodes, accompanying my friend who’s watching DW (new who) for the first time! I’m only rewatching some episodes with her (only my favourites and/or the specials), which leads to me currently having just finished rewatching Silence in the Library!

(So far I’ve watched the following with her: The Runaway Bride, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Voyage of the Damned, and Silence in the Library)

Apart from the rewatch, I’ve been watching Boarders (on the iPlayer), which is a really nice series (not the absolute best, but interesting and generally good)!


Having watched the video, it’s an interesting piece of detective work on who wrote what in the Celestial Toymaker and changes that were made. Whole lot of grabbing credit for other people’s work going on there…

Edit: Also, most of Dodo’s dialogue was written for an entirely different companion…


Must watch that video.


Definitely. Not sure if it’s lucky or intentional that “Dodo” and “Anne” have the same number of letters…


About halfway through that Youtube video. Definitely fascinating. You wouldn’t be able to do this kind of detective work with stuff written these days, because unless draft happened to be printed out, all the editing is done on the computer so the little tells like whited out sections and the variance in number of spaces wouldn’t survive.


Started my day with episode 1 of Revenge of the Cybermen (my phone autocorrected that to CyberBrig :grimacing:).
I have listened to the soundtrack quite a bit the past few months so it just felt so familiar which is lovely.
Also I quite like this design of the Cybermen, though I don’t get why the CyberMats have quadrupled in size, CyberMats should be small and cute dammit :wink:

I’ll definitely reach Pyramids of Mars on this rewatch before the Empire of Death :grin:


Watched part one of The Celestial Toymaker (excellent)

…and Robot Gladiators from K9


It was really weird the way they “dolled up” Jorjie in that one…


Late to the party here (I only joined 3 days ago) but I do agree with you. I was really pleasantly surprised when I saw a reconstruction of “The Highlanders”. It may not be in the same heavyweight historical category as “Marco Polo”, “The Aztecs” or “The Massacre” but it rattles along well. There are also some surprisingly brutal moments (particularly in episode 1). Solicitor Grey makes for a very different kind of villain and is a performance I enjoy greatly. He’s an odious man, but his ilk are often the problem throughout history. Of course I love it when DW has big high concept villains but that only makes the contrast with run-of-the mill nasties like Grey all the more interesting.

Just to ensure I’m in line with the overarching topic: I’m currently rewatching “The Abominable Snowmen” (which prompted my thread about the aural environment of Doctor Who). Episodes 3 and 4 tonight (I like to watch my Classic Who in two episode installments). Wolfe Morris is fantastic value as the voice of Padmasambhava and a clear precursor to the amazing work of Gabriel Wolf (what is it with lupine-nominalism in creepy DW voice actors?) that we are all currently enjoying.


I watched a couple of episodes of the Sarah Jane Adventures today, starting with Revenge of the Slitheen and ending with Whatever Happened With Sarah Jane.
I liked all of them well enough.


Finally finding some time to rewatch Pyramids of Mars, not that I need to because I know this episode by heart. Because I love it and it’s brilliant.


“Power of the Daleks” is extraordinary. Whilst it doesn’t exactly reinvent the Daleks, it does reinvent the kind of story they can be in. It’s a watershed moment for the Daleks. Whitaker wrote so well for them, delivering a nuanced script that contrasted the petty politicking and ambition of the colonists with the sly machinations of the Daleks. It’s a stunning slice of storytelling.


In that we agree. It’s rich like velvet. Bernard Archard and Michael Sheard both put in top drawer performances. Sheard’s performance, in particular, is such a thoughtful study of a gentle man who still loves his brother and can’t quite come to terms with the horror of what’s going on. That his quiet hope is, ultimately, his downfall is heartbreaking. This is offset, of course, by Archard’s haunting performance - a shell of a once-man, now just a vessel for such awesome power.

I could write and write about this story. Like a fine single malt, it is something to savour.


I have been struggling with the Flux but are almost done. I just don’t like this story. I was surprised about s12, which I thought was good but s13 is just a mess.


Rewatched The Face of Evil and The Android Invasion for the first time today! Due to reading A Device of Death and really enjoying the Fourth Doctor’s characterization in it, making me want to see him on TV. Both quite solid; The Face of Evil is probably technically stronger as a script (if such a metric truly exists), but The Android Invasion is more (and more consistently) fun. Both are great showcases for their leads, although I think Face shows both its leads off better, with Baker at his wittiest and Louise Jameson having a really stellar debut as Leela that gave me a needed reminder of why I love the character after being a bit fatigued of her at Big Finish :sweat_smile:
That opening bit with Tom Baker talking directly to the camera is just weird, though


I’ve also at last watched Dot and Bubble & Rogue, after watching 73 Yards and hearing the buzz prior to the airing of Dot and Bubble made me lose motivation to stay up to date for a bit. However, I’m very relieved to say that those two join Boom for me in the “solid episodes” category for s1/s14, and Dot and Bubble, which made me go “oh proper sci-fi at last!!”, may have overtaken Boom for me as the best episode of the season!