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I was listening to Toby Hadoke’s commentary podcast on The Sensorites episode 2 and he mentioned how one of the strengths of early Doctor Who is how weird it is - weirder than it can probably ever be again. The Web Planet definitely falls into that category. I’ve always had a fondness for it - and I’ve always loved the Optera.


I fully agree with that! The Hartnell era has such a unique vibe to it. I really feel like it could go anywhere and that anything could happen. So much weirdness and mystery and just the unknown of it all, the only thing that comes close to me is the vibe I get from the EDA novels.
Aside from One himself, what I’m trying to say here is a bit part of why One and his era sre one of my favourites of all the Doctors.


Watching spearhead from Space and wow this story is even better than I remember, it’s so visually unique and the scenes from the factory where they were making the dolls is just not something I expected to see for the budget of the time. Pertwee is so good in this aswell. 9/10 episode for sure


No wonder it won our most recent elimination game!


Oh no, another The Web Planer lover :laughing: I’ll soon become one too!

(It’s definitely weird and ambitious in a very unique way, I just don’t understand its appeal).


It’s because it looks absolutely blooming gorgeous on a big high definition screen with a really loud sound system, you know to really appreciate the “Zaaar-BI!”.


Irony may or may not have been used while writing this post…


Today I watched:

The Power of the Daleks (animated) 4/5
The Highlanders (recon) 3/5


Episode 1 of Pyramids of Mars.


Finished Episode 1 of Pyramids of Mars this morning. Might watch more this afternoon. Also plan on watching Father’s Day on Father’s Day.


Very slowly making my way through The Key to Time. It took me almost a week to finish The Ribos Operation, I found it so dull. Moving on to The Pirate Planet now, which doesn’t seem to be any better so far. I think I’m getting Four fatigue.


The Ribos Operation and The Pirate Planet, dull?? :open_mouth:
I’m clutching my Pearls here :wink:


I’ve just finished the second doctor’s era, and while I love him, Zoe and Jamie together and the war games was an amazing story, I am still happy to see what comes next, especially as there are finally no more missing episodes and everything is in colour because I did find it quite hard to focus on some of those stories


When I watched through everything, I too took a fairly long break around, I think, Power of Kroll. Four fatigue is a thing, especially if you’re marathoning his era.


Four fatigue is so real, it’s why I’ve not watched his last couple of series that much because by the time you get to them, it’s exhausting


I watched Pyramids of Mars today. I liked it, but it probably won’t make it onto any of my favorite lists anytime soon.


Hooray (/sarcasm) for being ill. Today I watched:

The Underwater Menace (animated) 3.5/5

Solid little story. Joseph Furst chews all the scenery. Prefer the scale/‘production value’ of the animated version.

The Moonbase (animated/live action) 3/5

Basically a remake of Galaxy Four, but worse. Starts well but gets a bit tedious. Worst Cybermen voices. (Remember, “This is men’s work.” :roll_eyes:) The spacesuits look great.

The Macra Terror (animated) 4.5/5 (fav)

1984, but with extra steps, and crabs. Interesting story and told very well. The voice of the Macra is excellent. Bonus short-hair Polly. (Rating is higher because of the excellent animation.)

The Faceless Ones (animated) 3.5/5

A perfect example of a serial that is a couple of episodes too long. Once it gets going, it’s enjoyable. I do feel for the Chameleons. New theme hype!

The Evil of the Daleks (animated) 3/5

It starts well, but after episode 2 it just becomes boring. There are some good ideas in here, but it fails to live up to them. The Daleks feel like bit players.

One annoying detail that started to get to me was Patrick Troughtons cough. It felt like he had constant phlegm. Once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop hearing it.


Watching the one with the giant clam.

4 and Harry are just fantastic together!


I watched The Pyramids of Mars today. I’d seen it before but that was during my first marathon and I couldn’t remember much about it.

It’s probably best I don’t say how I felt about it for fear of being lynched :sweat_smile:


Ohhhh, now you have to share your thoughts! For me, first time I saw it, I thought it was good. 2nd time around, and maybe this was because I binged it all at once, but I just couldn’t get into it as before. Something about the pacing maybe?


Be brave. I’ve never been backwards in desecrating the sacred cow that is the overrated Genesis of the Daleks.