It’s funny how, with Ten and Fourteen along with Twelve and Fifteen, the NuWho Doctors have been mostly Scottish
As is only right
Scottish Super Club?
Scotland Victorious?
I call copyright infringement on those suggestions. You can have something else!
Scotland Superior!
I object to this. Only Scandinavia can be on top. Scotland Not As Good As Scandinavia could work.
Well, I actually agree, but I tried to avoid war between Scotland and Scandinavia.
But now that you started it, we might as well go all in.
Scotland the Eternal Seconds might also work…
As a Scot, I can assure you that is not true.
Scotland and Scandinavia are equals!
Oh blimey - I think war might have just been declared between Scotland and Scandinavia. Sod Trump wanting to take over Greenland - this is what the media should be covering.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news…
100% agree it’s a crime there’s no more, especially with the Corsair!
Creag an tuire!
The five doctors novelisation today, it’s fun and easy.
The 73 Yards novel was remarkably average.
I haven’t read it myself, but remember @Tian liking it as a more fleshed-out version of the story.
So it’s the same as the televised story then?
Halfway through At Childhood’s End. It’s a bit slow but fun enough.
Aside Doctor Who, I’m reading Asimov’s Foundation series again, this time with a Spanish audiobook I can understand maybe 10%
Are you learning Spanish or what is the point of this?
Basically adds nothing, apart from adding Ace for a short scene.
I’m still struggling with Mission: Impractical. It’s just not working for me. I can’t keep track of all the characters and who they’re affiliated with. Most of them don’t have any defining characteristics and despite me being over half way through hardly anything has happened. I really thought a book with Ol Sixie, Frobisher, Glitz and Dibber + Ogrons would be a fun read but all that’s happened is the Doctor and Frosbisher have sort of created a heist gang and are trying to get some artefact back. The Ogrons are just floating around the fringes of the story. The assassins sent after the Doctor have disappeared from the plot and I have no idea who is working for who.
I’m going to force myself to finish reading it over the next few days otherwise I can see it still sitting on my bedside table in February!
Okay now I’m intrigued