What are you currently reading?

It was quite good but there was a lot about how it characterized Polly that I didn’t like and then I dropped the book as soon as she fell for the obvious brainwashing trick.


Read more in Caged last night. It’s nothing impressive, but it’s not terrible either.


Currently reading Doctor Who: The Shakespeare Notebooks. Laugh out loud funny.


Ooooo not heard of that!


Do you need to be very familiar with Shakespeare work to appreciate it or is it funny even if you just know the basics?


I haven’t read The Shakespeare Notebooks yet (although I’ve heard good things) but another good Doctor Who/Shakespeare crossover is The Trials of Tara - a very funny short story in Decalog 2:


Popped in to read one of the Blogs of Doom because it’s Torchwood related and I’ve got to read all of Torchwood


Amazing how we both had the exact same reaction to it.


LMAO I just noticed how similar our reviews are

Same rating too


Been working through Caged. It’s a light read, enjoyable but nothing special or outstanding. Having a hard time hearing Gatwa, but that’s more because I’ve only seen each of his episodes once (with the exception of The Giggle which I’ve seen a handful and Church which I’ve seen two or three times) than an issue with the writing.


Finished Caged last night.


Was it good?

I’ve started reading Nightshade! It’s been ages since I read a book, really need to set time aside for it again because I’m really enjoying it.


Yeah, it was enjoyable. Good but nothing outstanding. Posted a few thoughts in the dedicated thread for it.


Currently reading The Spaceship Graveyard, a Decide Your Destiny book where, for some reason, the decisions are not entirely my own…


I’m also reading The Spaceship Graveyard, at the nightmarishly painful pace of one page a day!

I’m also halfway through Sins of the Father and Adventures Before.

I’m also about to start The Nightmare of Black Island for the Book Club!


So, here’s my story… Back in high school, in English class, we did a bit on existentialism and had an assignment to take a fairy tale or children’s story and adapt it as an existential piece. For my effort, I took the tea party scene from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I didn’t change it much at all. Got an A+ on the assignment, don’t remember getting any other A+ marks in all my schooling, so I’ve always had a very soft spot for that story.

So, along comes In Wonderland, and I was eager to read it. Shockingly, it took me a month and a half to get through it. This isn’t odd for a book I find tedious and boring, but I really liked this book, even though I was rarely able to read more than a few pages at a time.

I don’t know why, exactly, but I’ve really struggled to focus on reading lately. I’m sure I did this book a disservice, as that’s no way to stay on top of the plot, so it’s a wonder I still managed to enjoy it. Even it tiny bits, I still enjoyed it.

Still, despite having just finished it, I want to re-read it in the near future, when my head’s in the game. I think I’ll get enough additional enjoyment from reading it the right way to make it worth revisiting in short order.


Finally finished Another Life…


Did a more detailed review over in the Torchwood Thread


Finally got around to finishing Damaged Goods. It lived up to the hype, its a very dark story but with the incredible character writing that Rtd is so good at. He is also good at writing how much of a scary eldritch being the N-Form is


Starting The Shy Stegosaurus of Cricket Creek by Evelyn Sibley Lampman tonight. Originally written in 1955, it’s about a shy Stegosaurus named George who helps two kids save their Mom’s ranch. I vaguely remember it from my childhood, and my Dad read when he was a kid (or maybe teen).


I keep putting off reading Mission: Impractical and I don’t know why. I’m going to have to start it again as it’s been a good few weeks since I read the first couple of chapters. I’m going to finish the latest issue of DWM then make myself pick it up. I also want to get on with reading the novelisation of Labyrinth (yes the film with David Bowie which I adore. I’ve just read the bit with the worm in the wall who is one of my favourite characters - and one I do an awesome impression of.