What are you currently reading?

Started reading Space Babies


Cracking open Guards, Guards at work between novels in the Great Who Timeline. Gotta love Sir Terry.


After taking an incredibly long break from this book, I’m about 50 pages away from finishing it.

Gotta say, I really struggled to rate this one out of ten.

I really wanna adore the bones off of it, but it becomes such a slog after the halfway mark.


Review coming soon


Been reading The Monsters Inside. I’m actually quite enjoying it.


On A Life Worth Living. KOReader is just perfect for anthologies!

So, apparently they can have flasks with transmat

…Jess could see he was drinking from one of those flasks that used transmat technology to always stay full. (Ch. 2 Welcome to the Machine)

Imagine if you get like half a dozen transmats in your water bottle, and they can change the rate at which they fill different drinks, so you get instant mix that can change flavour on the go! …And because tech can be unstable so you’ll be at risk of drinking something like peach-flavoured milk tea with Coke and Sprit and the last two keep changing their ratio once in a while :thinking:


Finally picked up the next VNA on this read through, the 25th no less, “Legacy”.

Peladon and Ice Warriors.
Hoping for something akin to The Curse of Peladon, fearing for something like The Monster of Peladon :grin:


Finished my reread of Alien Bodies and I think it is definitely one of the best works of Who there is. It’s crammed with inventive ideas, witty dialogue. It manages to be so fresh and forward looking while still having a Third Doctor cameo at the start and the Krotons of all things as a major antagonist, and other things that could be needless fanservice yet Miles makes them seamless parts of this novel. This influenced the direction of the EDAs for a very good reason!

Also two thirds through The Church of Ruby Road and this is such a warm, cozy read. Genuinely perfect Christmas reading! The prose are lovely.


Almost done with The Monsters Inside. Then I’ve got The Stone Rose, The Flood, a Doctor Aphra trade paperback and The White Dragon. Not in any particular order.


I really like that book, its one obvious issue is that Gary Russell clearly has no idea what to do with Ace and doesn’t particularly want to do anything with her at all. However I think the rest of the book is very strong, on the fronts of plot, entertainment, world-building, and characterization of everyone else, and it’s the first story that’s really gotten me to have any real interest in the culture of Peladon lol.


Reading The Last Dodo and it seems fun. Love the I Spy conceit breaking up the chapters and the glorious reference to various planets from the classic series- especially the Refusis II gag.


Finished The Monsters Inside last night. Next up is The Stone Rose.


Finished Lucifer Rising today. After four VNAs that I found really dull, it was a great change of pace. I really enjoy both Jim Mortimore and Andy Lane’s work, so it was fun seeing their DW origins as co-writers.

I saw more of Mortimore in this story than Lane—lots of high-concept, grandiose space action with a smattering of body horror. It’s definitely the ‘hardest’ sci-fi the VNAs have been so far. I found the second half quite messy, though—and, possibly a result of having two writers, it’s far too long. Definitely one of the better VNAs so far, though!


Update on Dragons’ Wrath, which I gave yesterday afternoon’s thoughts on in the Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark thread—

Shortly after the halfway point of Dragons’ Wrath it’s become much more interesting and enjoyable, I just wish it didn’t take so much of the book to get there lol. It also pulled a plot twist that I didn’t see coming at all and I’m a bit annoyed that I didn’t pick up on any of the signs beforehand :smile:


Finished Dragons’ Wrath! A really good climax if maybe a bit too twisty. Braxiatel is the MVP and I will always want more of him in everything. I’m very interested to see how this series continues and how much future books in it will stand alone or tie in with ongoing plot threads—as Dragons’ Wrath picked up on something from Oh No It Isn’t! which I’d assumed would never be resolved, and also teased some future developments to come.

I think some of my earlier frustration at this book was just down to it not being Doctor Who, which is what I was more excited for. But now I do have two Doctor Who books to read next, The Eight Doctors (which will be a reread) and The Devil Goblins from Neptune!


I finished the Black Archive Book to the episode Rose today. I think it was pretty interesting.


Currently entertaining myself while reading The Eight Doctors by imagining the policemen interrogating the Doctor in chapter 2 as Boyd and Spence from Waking the Dead.

Unfortunately nothing can save the teacher’s lounge portion of this chapter, which mixes the most ridiculous dialogue I can imagine with the teacher most sympathetically presented by the narration making wildly inappropriate comments about a student.


After getting back to work after vacation my energy for reading has gone down. I have read about half of Nightshade and hope to finish it soon, I am also listening to the audiobook of the Zygon Invasion. I like both of them.


I just have to laugh at Terrance Dicks while reading The Eight Doctors. Almost every Doctor in the book so far has said something about their distaste for violence, and here Eight is slaughtering vampires in the most cavalier way possible. Reminds me of the Seventh Doctor randomly murdering a Sontaran in Shakedown, another just bizarrely out of character moment with no depth or thought behind it.

Dicks’ misogyny also continues to shine through at several points, to absolutely no surprise from me.

However, despite the many issues, there’s a deal of fun to be had in this book. The Second and Third Doctor sections were quite solid, and if the remainder of the book lives up to my impressions from the first time I read it, it might be my favorite of Dicks’ books so far. (Which is, to be clear, a very low bar.)


Bedridden for a few days so I finally have an opportunity to catch up on some reading. Decided to get back into the Torchwood novels, starting with Border Princes (because Another Life was a drag and I couldn’t get through it).


Finished reading The Eye of the Giant yesterday, which I picked up partly because it apparently lead into the much beloved The Scales of Injustice but also because Christopher Bulis is such a prominent figure in the novels.

I can now confidently say I am dreading all the other many, many Bulis novels out there.

Never I have I ever felt insulted reading a book before. Genuinely appalling writing.

The characters are great and there a few good ideas hidden in there, but it is not worth the pain of how clunky the prose is.
