What are you currently reading?

I’m reading Alien Bodies- the concept of Faction Paradox and the War in Heaven really intrigues me, and I understand that this is the place to start…
Also, not Who-related- I’m reading Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson- two of my coworker love his books and recommended them to me


Alien Bodies is one of my favourite DW novels, by far. Filled with so many cool ideas and fun characters.


Yeah I really like it so far! And I think that the concept of the 103 type TARDIS is really cool :smiley:


Finally finished Plague City. Now that I’m done with the 12th Doctor books, onto Fear Itself, then back to the EDAs with Vanishing Point

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Currently partway through the Slow Empire, as well as Short Trips: Repercussions! I love the Big Finish Short Trips books so much…


Making my way through Timewyrm: Exodus. Just finished chapter 3. Enjoying it so far!


Just starting Strange England and Goth Opera! Very excited to finally be at the Missing Adventures.


Two books I really enjoyed, strange england in particular is a high favorite of mine


Okay so still reading Nightshade, but I did a quick detour reading The Return of Robin Hood, which I greatly enjoyed! A marvelous, magical little tale.

The joke about the Doctor not quite remembering some historical adventures from the Hartnell era, by describing it as if “some episodes from his past had been deleted” was hilarious, really made me laugh :rofl:


I read the Second Doctor Past Doctor Adventure “Combat Rock”, and honestly, I wish I didn’t.
It’s…Bad, really bad. Like, I wrote better fanfiction than this travesty. This book is pure random edginess, other than showing the author’s poorly disguised fetish and sexualise Victoria (who’s 15 and gets asked if she’s ever considering becoming a wh/re. Are you serious?), there is even sexism and possible racism in this book, BRILLIANT!
Nearly every woman in this revolting story is referred to as a “wh/re” and If the TARDIS can translate every language perfectly…Why do the natives speak in Broken English, hmm?

This book is like…A racist, unfunny, dull, awfully written version of Helluva Boss. Seriously, do EU writers know what “mature” means?


Almost done with Dreams of Empire after a long while of plodding through it. I feel like I know where these final two chapters are heading but I’m actually not all that sure. I love some of the worldbuilding here and the very different take on a historical “what if…” but I just realized I have no clue what any of the characters look like aside from the TARDIS team. Idk. That just feels like a sore spot in what is overall a really fun book that’s just kinda mid overall.

Six chapters into Speed of Flight, kinda confusing so far but it’s starting to come together. It takes the same approach as Venusian Lullaby by describing its world from the perspective of the aliens and using vocabulary that doesn’t make sense to the reader. I liked that in the other book, but here it’s not working as well for some reason. Maybe because that had a drawing of a Venusian on the cover, which at least helped visualize them.

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This is basically what I’ve heard about Combat Rock before, it’s pretty infamous. :grimacing:

(Not-so-)fun fact, the writer has been in Doctor Who multiple times in the revival era, usually inside a monster costume such as a Cyberman


Starting the Doctor Who Omnibus 2 which collects a bunch of IDW comics (mostly Tenth Doctor along with an Eleventh Doctor story).

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Read the first story “The Fugitive”. Interesting story, not the greatest art.

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I read this a couple of years ago thinking I wouldn’t enjoy it and, you know what, I didn’t think it was that bad.

The characterisation of the regulars is pretty good for starters and, if you can get past the gore, the story is engaging.

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Taking a scheduled break from Doctor Who novels as I strike through a run of short stories and Companion Chronicles with the Season 5 team between The Abominable Snowmen and The Enemy of the World.
Have started Prince of Thorns & Nightmares which is a retelling of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty from Prince Philip’s perspective and I’ve gotten hooked. An absolutely loving homage to one of my favorite Disney films and one that captures just how much personality both Philip and Aurora have in spite of their lack of screen time.


Currently reading The Child of Time, the first 11th Doctor DWM Comic collection. Also, slowly working on the 8th/9th Doctor Volume of Tardis Eruditorum.


I have so many books on my ‘to read’ pile but I am going back to Becky Chambers. I love her incluisive, diverse character rich sci-fi. I recommend all of her books. Start with this one.


Oh I love Becky Chambers, her writing is so good! My favourite is A Closed and Common Orbit.

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