What are you currently reading?

My favourite also.

I’m just about to start re-reading the Shada novelisation, not read it for a good while so it should be fun

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Finished Speed of Flight a while back. The setting and its inhabitants were very creative, but the plot was just kinda standard. Still an enjoyable read though.

Also got started on Last of the Gaderene. My last novel with Jo, so here’s hoping it’s a good showing for her.

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Currently making my way through the Lockwood and Co series, after watching the absolutely brilliant (and unfairly cancelled) Netflix adaptation. The world building is phenomenal and I immediately had to seek out the books to answer the many questions the TV adaptation left me

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Just started the Torchwood 2016 comics… John Barrowman, what’re you doing

Introducing a whole new post miracle day team, fair enough, but it’s just not done well, there’s like 5 new members, one of them I think was in like 2 panels, one of them is introduced as the ship’s AI (ah yeah, the new base is a survey boad) which made me think they’re hardlight but no, apparently they’re an android, one of them has the seal of rassilon tattooed on their back.

Also Gwen was apparently somehow able to find a chameleon circuit on earth, and they got it working with the ship? Also there’s things going on with John Hart and Torchwood 2 as well and it’s all just too much.

In theory, I could potentially see it working if they took the time to introduce everything, but they just don’t.

Also to cap it off, there’s a thing that only Gwen can do because it needs someone who’s been pregnant, I’m not finished yet, but they haven’t explained why that’s needed yet, and every time they were talking about it before explaining that that was it spesifically, they were saying they needed her for her womb which just feels weird, especially when Exodus Code, Barrowman’s Torchwood book, is about something that drives women insane. I haven’t read it, but not looking forward to it.

TL:DR: Torchwood 2016 comics are just weird and feel kinda sexist


Ah okay, so most of this crew were first introduced in The Exodus Code, so that makes a bit more sense, but you still need to introduce them more slowly if it’s a new medium (that isn’t TV you’re spinning off from)


I read this comic! Retained pretty much none of it, except that it was completely nonsensical. To be fair, I was reading it purely for John Hart, so I didn’t really care about the new team. Yeah, the womb thing was…weird.

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Vervoids in a Torchwood comic???

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Still working through the latest volume of Tardis Eruditorum, started but haven’t gotten very far in Timewyrm: Revelation, and plan on starting the (currently) second-to-last Andy McDermott novel The Resurrection Key.


Finished Timewyrm: Revelation and on to some Titan comics next, before I continue my trek through The Cosmere!


I am on the last chapter of Timewyrm: Revelation now.


I really really really need to get on with Ready Player One but I’ve been mainly reading various articles in DWM and SFX.

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Halfway through City at World’s End. I’m enjoying it way more than I thought at first. I love the First Doctor, so I really looked forward to this book


City at World’s End is a great book.

This was is my review on the site (with spoilers - be warned)

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Finished The Keys of Marinus novelisation which was fun. Vasor was particularly creepy, and I found myself easily visualising the story.

Also started the recently released Doctor Who Production Diary: The Hartnell Years by David Brent which seems like it’ll be an interesting read, though I have spotted a few typos early on which is a slight concern but not surprising for a book of this size and scope.


Talking of typos, I’m pretty sure its David Brunt not Brent, unless Ricky Gervais has branched out into writing non-fiction about Doctor Who :wink:


You are correct there!

It’s an interesting read anyway and im looking forward to slowly getting through it.


I’m reading all the Titan Comics Tenth Doctor run. I’m trying to get ahead of the Comic Club a little.


I finished the Zygon Invasion novelization and throughly enjoyed it. I’m going to read the Waters of Mars one next which is already a fantastic story so I’m intrigued on how the novelization will go.


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