What are you currently reading?

Yup! its from the eighth doctor adventures

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Haven’t really delved into the ‘EDAs’ at the moment - been putting all my focus onto the Virgin Publishing books - but I’m really looking forward to the moment I dive in.

People keep telling me that I should look out for ‘Seeing I’ and ‘Alien Bodies’ in particular.


I haven’t read Seeing I yet but Alien Bodies is what got me into the edas, it’s amazing!! it’s absurdly creative and the characters are outstandingly well done, it also starts off the Faction paradox lore so if you want an entirely new rabbit hole to fall down you should check it out haha


I’ve just started Burning Heart! I’m not far enough in to have real thoughts about the book as a whole yet, but I do love Stone’s writing as always. His first Who book, Sky Pirates!, is possibly my favorite VNA

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Venusian Lullaby is my favorite Missing Adventure! Love it to death

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Honestly mate, it’s phenomenal.

The world-building more than anything makes ‘Burning Heart’ worth the read.

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The other night I finished Eternity Weeps (staying up until 5am to finish it :grimacing::sweat_smile:) and it’s one of the bleakest stories I’ve come across in the franchise, certainly the most so in Doctor Who itself I’d say, and even giving Torchwood a run for its money. It’s also really good (as I expected from Jim Mortimore), and, to my surprise, is the most Jason Kane-heavy novel thus far (I knew he’d be in it, but I wasn’t expecting him to get more focus than even his introduction in Death and Diplomacy!) I was also very surprised & pleased to see a particular plot point from The Scales of Injustice followed up on.

Also, I feel like parts of this book just felt really eerily familiar to me, despite definitely never having read it before.

I am currently, on my lengthy trek through the VNAs, reading ‘Iceberg’ by David Banks. I am over halfway through the book and neither the Cybermen nor the Doctor have been in it for over five pages so it’s interesting to say the least.


Burning Heart did nothing for me. The worldbuilding and ideas were dense and interesting but it was all relegated to the background of a really unengaging and barebones story.

I started reading Venusian Lullaby but I never finished it for whatever reason. I remember enjoying what I read but I can’t remember it that well. Should probably go back and finish it at some point.

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I love that book, Ruby Duvall quickly became one of my favorite characters

Almost done with Dancing the Code. I’ll probably say a bit more when I’m actually finished, but it’s been pretty good.


Agreed on Venusian Lullaby. Fascinating story. But I had no clue what was happening and it never hooked me enough to keep reading.

Review’s up. I had a good time with it, but it had some issues. A solid 3.5/5. I’m reading all the novels chronologically, so next up is Speed of Flight, a.k.a. the prequel to Timelash or something?


It’s less a prequel to Timelash and more ‘an adventure the Doctor, Jo and Mike had together which means the line in Timelash about ‘just the three of you’ makes sense when we know the Third Doctor only ever travelled to other planets with one companion on screen…’

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So the prequel to the prequel to Timelash. Sounds about right.


Around 60 pages into Nightshade and greatly enjoying it! Outside of The Unquiet Dead, I’m really not a fan of Mark Gatiss’s TV episodes but this is a lovely, warm, cozy read.

May start The Deciant Strain for the book club or maybe Killing Grounds.


I love Nightshade and definitely prefer it to his TV Doctor Who work :+1: (Not counting An Adventure in Space and Time - that’s perfect :heart:)


Oh I’d forgotten about that, that is indeed perfect!