Some great Choices! Not too aware of Doom as a Franchise I only played the original, the 2016 one and its sequel, the latter two I really enjoy and the original, which I respect mostly, but then again it’s been a while since I played it.
I do recommend Dread whenever you get the Possibility to play it, it really is stellar for such a late Sequel.
Oh Doom I’m a classic player almost entirely, but from the community, there’s an infinity of it to play. And I play on the DSDA sourceport at correct compatibility, no GZDoom or anything like that. And I don’t like Doom Eternal.
Been a hot minute since I’ve checked in with this forum, and considering Pokemon consumes my being at this point, I thought I’d update you all on that.
Been overhauling my battle teams in Pokemon Violet with a twist - each one is based around a different starter trio. The only rules I have are;
The trios MUST stay together (so I couldn’t have say an Incineroar with a Rillaboom as different generations). The other three members of the team can be from any gen.
No Legendaries or mythicals, cause it makes things too easy.
They must have unique items.
Oh, and these are for Double Battles.
I’ve just recently overhauled my Kanto (Gen1) and Johto (Gen2) starter doubles teams, both of which I struggled with the first time I tried making them. Ended up going with a sun team for the latter, sending Blastoise out before I set up drought to catch my opponent off guard. The latter is basically focused on all out offence, thanks to Eruption on a choice scarf Typhlosion.
Johto (Gen 2)
Flutter Mane
Murkrow (with eviolite)
Currently working on my Gen 3 (Hoenn) starter doubles team. Decided to take advantage of Trick Room given the strongest of that trio is Swampert, who also happens to be the slowest.
Tried Stellaris again today. It has potential (I figured out how to be eligible for acheivements), but the HUD is too busy and difficult to navigate. Luckily, I only paid $4 for it, so it’s not much of a loss.
On Steam, when you view a collection, it shows you all the games by title card, but it does this thing where if a game doesn’t have a title card, it shows this ugly rectangle with a smaller title card for it on it that it has from elsewhere.
Fiddling around, I realised there was an option to add your own custom title card, and looking around online, I found a website where people have put their own title cards for games.
And there was a program on that website that lets you just install those title cards by clicking on a button on them on the website.
So I’ve been going through installing title cards. Annoyingly, they don’t show until I restart steam, but it’ll look nice when I’m browsing through my library.
Dialing down Delta Force a bit—I really do like it, especially the operations mode. But it clearly is designed to consume all your time with the ‘psychological tricks’ dialed up to 10 to keep you playing, imho.
So I installed Kingdom Come Deliverance II.
It’s set in Bohemia (what later became the biggest part of the Czech Republic), only a few kilometers from where I live in the Bavarian Forest.
And it seems they took a real effort to get things as authentic as sensible for a game. Gesichtsfenster did some consulting work for the developers.
My hope is that Kingdom Come Deliverance II is more like Baldur’s Gate than Delta Force. While all these games can consume hours, days, and weeks of one’s life, Delta Force uses mechanisms to keep you playing every day by generating FOMO. In contrast, Baldur’s Gate, and hopefully Kingdom Come Deliverance II, are better suited for folks like me who enjoy playing for hours, interspersed with days of not playing.
Haven’t played Kingdom Come Deliverance II, though I remember playing a bit of I. Seemed like a Skyrim type game, if I remember correctly. It’s been a while.
Watched a review by yahtzee of II a while ago. He didn’t particularly like it, but his editor did, so it could probably go either way on that one.
I’m still going through adding title cards. The actual reason I’m doing this is I’ve got a lot of games I haven’t played, and having nice cards means I’m a fair amount more likely to actually try out those games…
I see where the Skyrim impression comes from. It has a similar clunky first-person movement and interaction system.
Based on my first impression, it’s similar to Skyrim with a heavy realism mod. However, there are also aspects that remind me at least a little bit of games like Total War (the management aspect of it all) and some elements of a cutscene-driven adventure game (though I read that’s just at the beginning as heavy as I’m currently experiencing it).
All in all, I would say it is its own beast. Will see if I like it.
I’ve been generally firing up random unplayed games in my steam library and playing a little of them.
Some of them, like Death Stranding, were actual unplayed games. (And that seems like a very strange one.) Others, I’m pretty sure either steam forgot I played, I played on a different platform, or it’s an enhanced version of a game I did play. Like I played a fair bit of Atelier Lydie & Suelle, but I’m pretty sure it was on Switch, and this was the steam version.
I played a bit of Steelrising, which falls in the category of things I’d played on a different platform. Played some of the newer Lords of the Fallen game, which I actually hadn’t played. Played Re: Legend up to the point when it wouldn’t let me attack in the combat tutorial, then uninstalled it.
Largely, I’ve been feeling like addressing my backlog a bit. I’d rather have a bunch of games that I only played for a half hour or hour then not at all.
Greetings everyone! Thought I’d check in by discussing what I’ve been doing with my doubles battle teams in Pokemon Violet, each one being based around a different starter trio. As a reminder, these are the rules I set my self;
The trios MUST stay together (so I couldn’t have say an Incineroar with a Rillaboom as different generations). The other three members of the team can be from any gen.
No Legendaries or mythicals, cause it makes things too easy.
They must have unique items.
I’d only completed my Kanto (Gen 1) and Johto (Gen 2) teams when I last checked in, but I’ve managed to complete three more.
Cannot believe I’ve already got half of my starter doubles teams completed. Definitely think the Unova (Gen 5) Starter Trio has been the most difficult to make work, but my favourite from this first half is definitely the Sinnoh (Gen 4) gang.
So many people don’t expect sticky webs and stealth rocks in doubles so they come completely unprepared for them, which means Kleavor and Galvantula can swoop in and cause devastation early doors (and often wipe things out since Kleavor has sharpness and a choice band to power up those Stone Axes). Then I can bring Torterra in if my opponent things they can pull of a Miraidon sweep - I take advantage of their speed drop from sticky webs, and go straight for an OHKO with Headlong Rush. And let’s not forget pixelate Hyper Voice on my Sylveon and Heat Wave on my NP Infernape doing overwhelming amounts of damage. Then you have Empoleon: the ace of my Sinnoh team. Bulky as can be and able to do some SERIOUS damage. Honestly, the synergy that team has is incredible!
Did I mention that my Empoleon - being a penguin - is nicknamed Frobisher?
I might have all but moved on from Doctor Who, but what can I say? Old habbits die hard.
Moving onto the Kalos (Gen 6) starter trio today, and I’m reasonably familiar with these three, with the Fire / Psychic type Delphox being my favourite among them. You can pull off some really scummy battle strats with this fennec fox, that make for some hilarious wins!
Doubles as in just like casual WiFi / Link battles (I value my sanity too much for actual competitive).
The main reason I enjoy the WiFi battles is they’re so chaotic, you never know whats gonna come at you - one match it could be a legendary spammer, the next it could be a full VGC team using Incineroar and Grassy Glide Rillaboom. Keeps you on your toes and encourages you to really mix and match.
Because Meganium has - let’s be realistic here - a pretty awful stat spread for a starter Pokemon, I decided to use it more as a support / defence for my team.
Helping Hand
Heal Pulse
Body Press (to take advantage of his incredible Def stat)
Bold Nature (Def +, SpA -), and the Covert Cloak means Fake Out or any similar moves wont cause him to flinch.
Usually when I’m playing with my Johto team, I’ll send Meganium and Typhlosion out first thing - using helping hand on the former to make the latter’s Eruption wipe out both my opponents first mons in one go.
Just a few chapters from finishing Yakuza 3. It’s alright story wise, and fairly gripping but not as much as the previous games and 0. And I still hate the combat. Gonna not do many substories and just beeline to the end I think, as I have to beat it before it leaves gamepass next week