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The error put me back in my base, a level behind, but kept the crafting engram I’d learned. So I set off again with my Pteranodon. Ended up loosing the Pteranodon, but did tame an Argentavis.


This is my current Ark: Survival Evolved base:

I’m using playing single-player (Host/Local), but am trying to use console commands sparingly[1]. My next task is to start building an actual proper base and then I can start breeding[2].

  1. Though that doesn’t mean that I won’t use them at all. I kinda needed them to get home with my new bird. ↩︎

  2. This will be using console commands: primarily to aquire the first generation of eggs, incubators to hatch them in, and then coloring commands to color them funky colors once adults. ↩︎


Went on a resource run with my Argentavis. Now it’s crafting time and then base building time.


Did another metal run. Then started a little base building.


Worked a little on base-building tonight. Unfortunately, metal takes forever to forge. So it’s slow going.


Played a bit more Ark this morning. Tamed a replacement female Pteranodon and continued with the base building. Unfortunately, my forges were in the way, so metal production has been halted. Next time I get on, it’s going out and gathering a lot of stone.


Successful stone run and more base building.


Base building is slow going. It’s a grind right now[1] because I need a lot of stone and wood to build my floors. Metal forging is still ongoing. Once I’ve got in my floors, then I can put together my hatchery, egg storage, cryofridges and breeding area.

  1. and that’s with some setting adjustments in the Host \ Local launch menus ↩︎


Been playing more Ark. Lots of Argentavis resource runs[1]. Discovered that the massive base I was building wouldn’t work without lots of jagged edges and corners[2], so I reworked my base. It will be multiple buildings. Right now I have a two-story building (minus second-floor roof) as my crafting and home. Next will be building my hatchery.

Exterior View:

Bottom Floor (mostly):

Upper Floor[3]:

  1. Argentavis halve the weight of Stone, Metal, Crystal and Obsidian while it’s in their inventory ↩︎

  2. dang you ground elevation differences! ↩︎

  3. Still need to build a “Resources” vault and Cryofridge ↩︎


Done more resource runs. Tamed a female Raptor and bred with my male. Stuck the egg in the fridge. Built my hatchery building, but haven’t put anything in it yet.


There, finished the Hatchery and am incubating a batch of 10 Baryonyx.


So I hatched a batch of 10 Baryonyx eggs which resulted in 13 individual Baryonyx. I imprinted on them, stuck fish in their inventories, and then went on a metal run[1]. When I got back, I found the inventory of one that had died. Turns out I lost five to starvation. So I still have 8 individuals. Hopefully there’s some females among them so I can breed them.

  1. during which I tamed a Doedicarus ↩︎


Finally freed myself from Yakuza 3’s clutches last night and man, am I conflicted! Great story by the end, but pacing issues made said story seem meandering and a bit rough for half of it. The minigames are weak. The combat is genuinely awful. Most of the substories I played were good. I didn’t like Okinawa as an environment to navigate, and I hated how the enemies would appear compared to 0 and the Kiwamis. But that story really was gripping by the end so idk. And I love the cast.

Also played Gris today and what a gorgeous, incredible game. I felt emotional throughout and highly recommend if anyone has a few hours free. If you have Gamepass you can play it before it’s removed Friday


You know, while I don’t have gamepass, Gris seems to be in my long list of unplayed steam games. Just told it to install, because I’ve been occasionally going through firing up some of the unplayed games I’ve got installed, to work through my backlog a little.


I’m no big gamer, but ‘Hades’ is one of my favorite games ever. I hadn’t played it in forever because my shitty laptop makes very alarming noises when I try to use Steam. But yesterday I was lucky to see it was 70% off on the Nintendo eshop, so I got it for the Switch. To my great happiness, it connects to my Steam account so my save is there, with all my glorious 200 hours of gameplay :pray:


Hades is definitely a good game!

Hades II was fun, too, though I’d imagine it’s probably changed a good deal, since I mostly played it near when it came out.


Enjoy! It’s only about four hours long so it shouldn’t take up much time


Finished coloring and breeding my Baryonyx pack.

Freshly hatched:

Full-grown and freshly colored survivors:


Decided to start a new playthrough of Pokemon Shield today, picked Scorbunny for the first time as I usually go for Grookey


This game’s free if you get it in the next two days.

“Chapter 1” probably tells you why it’s free, of course. Looks like it’s styled after classic Lucasarts graphical adventure games.