What Are You Currently Playing?

Played more on AC Mirage. Now I’m a bit more equipped and back to the quest where I got stuck. I think that’s enough for tonight.


After 5 and a half years of on and off playing, I have finally finished Fire Emblem Three Houses! All 4 routes! Absolutely one of my favourite Switch games, in spite of how genuinely awful I feel the repetitiveness of its structure is.


Been playing AC Mirage. The game world is amazing and the story’s decent too. There are little side missions called Tales of Baghdad and in one I played yesterday, a kid has climbed up a tower in order to make a leap of faith but chickens out. Basim helps him through and essentially recruits him. As we’re walking away, we learn the kid’s name is Hytham, who is Basim’s apprentice in Valhalla which is set ten years after this.


Used my newly acquired wifi to download Metaphor: Refantazio to my laptop. Only an hour and a half or so in but loving it so far! …Even if it really is just fantasy persona lol


Was going to return to Yakuza 3 last night but was too tired so instead turned on We :sparkling_heart: Katamari for the first time in months. What a chill, difficult, lovely game. Always fills me with joy!


I’ve been getting back into Slime Rancher (the first one) recently, and by getting back into I mean “opened the game for the first time in perhaps years to find myself in the Moss Blanket at night with no idea of even how the controls work anymore” :laughing: Great game though, I have pond full of Puddle Slimes and I like hanging out in there to watch them like they’re fish at an aquarium


Today is 20 years since the release of The Sims.

I’d be playing The Sims if I owned it (or had a PC, for that matter).


Currently playing through AC Origins, love this franchise. Easy enough time with them and i blast through podcast and BF.
Also picked up Sims 2 re-release on PC, as it was cheap and a fun little time waster


Origins is awesome. I love it. Bayek is tied with Ezio and Edward Kenway for best protagonist story.


Just thought I’d mention that RPG Maker VX Ace seems to be free until the 11th, if anyone’s looking for gamemaking software.

I see both get it for free and buy it for $3.50 there, so I’m assuming there’s some benefit to buying it vs. a free copy…

(And I expect they are hoping for you to buy all those resource packs I see there…)

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I had a phase where I made games using RPG Maker, and we’d share them with school friends.

I used to love making games - even from a young age I’d draw levels for Sonic the Hedgehog.

Always thought I’d be a games developer. But I ended up being a web developer. I just prefer being able to do it all myself with just a laptop and an idea, rather than relying on loads of other people and platforms!


Been playing Assassin’s Creed Mirage off and on lately. I’m on the last main target before the head of the Order. The setting (Baghdad during the Zanj Rebellion and the Anarchy at Samarra) is beautifully realized, even if it is more of a conglomeration of the Islamic world than the more singular style that Baghdad probably actually was. The gameplay is a nice fusion of the more recent RPG style of the more recent games and the stealth-based gameplay of the original. Save for the very beginning and very end, there’s no present-day segments to the game. The nature of Basim’s secrets both spoils and is spoiled by AC Valhalla (depending on the order you want to play them - chronological or release order as this takes place 10 years before Valhalla). In the end, nothing major as far as the lore goes, but a fun game that doesn’t take forever to complete and looks amazing. Definitely worth a look if you’re interested in Assassin’s Creed and don’t know where to start.

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For a moment I thought “whaaaaa?!” Then I remembered it asked me what my favourite thing was at the start :sweat_smile:


My mum did this too!


Got my first gold cartridge (read: game win) in UFO 50! I also haven’t played most of the included games because I just love Party House too much…


@nerdontheinternet, we do have a dedicated Assassin’s Creed thread.


Game development is something that always interested me, too, though I never really get around to doing any. I’ve got some of the RPG Maker series already, due to bundles and sales, and have Kenney full Game Assets pack. Though I’d probably actually use Godot if I was going to do something.

Of course, I’ve heard enough about the game industry to know that a lot of game development jobs are pretty terrible, so the idea of doing it for a living’s definitely gone by the wayside, unless I was going to do something solo.

(Kenney has a bunch of free asset packs, but also has a bundle of all of them plus extra non-free stuff for $19.95. Though, actually, looking at the page, it’s on sale for $9.97 right now. I feel like you could easily make a game using only his assets…



What we need is an independant group to create a Doctor Who game and then offer it to the BBC. Then maybe we might get a decent Doctor Who video game.


Been replaying Metroid Dread, so far I have really been enjoying it, then again I am big on 2D Metroids, so that’s why. But yeah, great Game, hoping I still enjoy it as much as I did when I first played it!

(Going to catch up on this Thread some day properly, still going through the listening Thread)


I like me some Metroid, but haven’t played Dread yet (no Switch). I think the Primes are as good as the 3rd person ones, but I like just about all of them. It or Doom is my favorite game series.