What Are You Currently Playing?

Plenty of other threads on a similar topic, but none for video games!

Definitely doesn’t have to be Doctor Who games


Personally I’ve been playing through Steamworld Heist

Super fun turn based tactical combat game


I just started Pokemon Sword! I’ve heard middling things about it but I am enjoying it so far, even if I can understand some of the complaints levelled against it


Oh I love Sword and Shield

Sure there’s plenty not to like, but the new designs are incredible (Wooloo my beloved), the music is great, the Gyms being stadiums is so fun, and generally I just want to live in poké-England


Wooloo is sooooo cute and I am enjoying the design of it a lot. I just wish I could run a little faster :sweat_smile:


Yeahhhhh I get you on that!

And I genuinely have a wooloo shrine, well, not at the moment because my stuff is packed away at my grandma’s, but when I live on my own I do, including a painting of shiny wooloo done by one of my artist friends


Geat idea for a thread.

Having played anything for quite a while but the games I currently have sitting on partial completion are (don’t judge me - I’m not really much of a gamer):

  • Lego Dimensions (had this for years and still haven’t completed it)
  • The Lego Movie
  • Lego Harry Potter
  • Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (anyone spotting a theme…)
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality (paused at the Dalek level over 6 months ago and have never gone back)
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Disneyland Adventures

Been rather concentrating on other things lately, but the most recent game I was playing was:

I generally speaking own almost all the Atelier games…

This isn’t anything I picked up recently. Just revisiting older games I haven’t played in a while.


Been playing a bit of single-player Ark: Survival Evolved, and then been getting into Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag again in the last few days.


I was actually thinking of posting something similar to this thread after making my Assassin’s Creed thread.


I’ve been playing FF7 New Threat 2.0 on my Steam Deck while travelling. FF7 is my comfort game. I don’t play it every day, but when I complete it I will restart it again. This year I’m on my third play through.

Earlier this year I finished Pokemon FireRed. It was my first Pokemon game, other than GO and the TCG.

During COVID I got a DS and a crap-tonne of games but I haven’t had a chance to use it.


Snap lol I was trying to find if a thread like this already existed the other day.

I have been playing Satisfactory, but that requires lots of time investment which I don’t have at the moment so if I need a break I’ve been playing little bite size chunks of Pikmin 4.

I love all Nintendo games but Pikmin might just be my favourite! It’s so cute and fun.


Aha, you and @shauny were both just too slow XD


Added the video-games tag. :video_game: :raised_hands:


Does anyone else play Ark: Survival Evolved?


Recently finished Final Fantasy XIII, probably been 10 years since I played it last.

So I am currently on Final Fantasy XIII-2. It’s like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and Pokemon all rolled up into one game.

FF7 basically scarred me for life, but I love it dearly even if I haven’t played it for something like 20 years. Damn you Sephiroth and your oversized katana!!
Why is it impossible to play Dirge of Cerberus anywhere? Vincent Valentine :grin:


Got the Metaphor Refantazio demo. I was expecting Persona x Nier: Automata, but it’s really just Persona gameplay in a Tales setting. But after Tales of Berseria, FE3H, and P5 Tactica, I am really burned out on the “dystopian medieval Europe with classes based on magical ability heading for a revolution” settting.

Ordered the Collector’s Edition anyway. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


No, but I tried to convince my husband to play this.

Basically the games he likes fall into a tiny little category so he’s always complaining that he can’t find a game to play on the PS5.

His favourite games are Green Hell (survival game with building), The Witcher / Dragon Age. (RPG with magic), and Rimworld (Strategy game with base building).

So I said Ark was a bit like Green Hell except with Dinosaurs. But he won’t try it! Says it looks too shooty.

Believe me when I say we have been through every single game on the store and he finds some reason he won’t like it lol.


Ah whoops, thank you!


Who would judge? These are absolute bangers.