Welcome. Feel free to hop over to Audio Club, we’ve got threads on the Main Range stories up through Seasons of Fear.
And so to the end of The Stage Plays range. I just don’t know what to think of The Curse of the Daleks.
Disc 1 does seem like something you might have seen on stage, as there’s basically no action, with people basically standing around talking. But also basically features no Daleks.
Disc 2 is totally different. Lots of Daleks, lots of action, and listening to it, I couldn’t picture it on stage, but I could imagine it on film.
I just don’t know what to make of it on the whole. I dare say I think it’s a stronger story than the other two in the range, and the backdrop of the story taking place at a time 50 years after the Daleks were defeated really serves it well.
Just listened to “The Final Act”, the finale of Jago and Litefoot Season 5.
I am still leaning towards season 2 with it’s Victoriana Horror approach being the best season, but this one might be the best single Jago and Litefoot story yet!
And what an amazing restraint from Big Finish to not make a direct sequel to The Talons of Weng-Chiang before the finale of season 5.
I’ve enjoyed Jago and Litefoot in the distant future of 1968, but I am excited to see where they are headed now that they once again have arrived in the realms of The Queen Empress.
I enjoy Jago & Litefoot throughout but I tend to agree. There is something particularly special about season 2. It’s just so deliciously dark!
DOCTOR WHO: Warlock’s Cross - Episode 3
Still solid and still an interesting set up, but it isn’t really grabbing me in the way that the best releases do. I’m not sure why but it kind of lacks heart. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still enjoying it, but I haven’t had any of those lovely moments that just make me spontaneously smile yet. Moreover, not really feeling the supporting characters as 3D people in the same way as, for example, the believability of Roger Pugh from “More Than This”. I shall, doubtless, enjoy the final instalment but am also ready to start something with a bit more fun or heart (or, fingers crossed, both) next.
Going through Jago and Litefoot was at the heart of a weird semi-break I took from Doctor Who in recent months, while life has been going through a lot of changes. Having been through it start to finish, Series 2 definitely still stands as one of the best by the end. Series 6 is easily my least favourite but I hope you enjoy it more than me, and you’ll be glad to know that there’s no real decline in quality or “seasonal rot” ahead, I even rank Series 7 and Series 12 up there with Series 2!
I’ve come out the other end with a newfound love for these characters. I don’t like The Talons of Weng-Chiang, everything I could say about it you’ve probably heard before, but some time back I heard The Beast of Kravenos, a 4DA featuring Jago and Litefoot and I quite enjoyed them there, so thought there’d be no harm in giving the spin-off a little taste.
I was hooked. It kept leaving me wanting more, it wasn’t just Jago and Litefoot either because I found myself falling in love with the rest of the cast like Ellie and Quick just as easily, and more you’re yet to meet! Character is where these stories truly excel for me, and now that I’ve reached the end I miss them. I never would’ve thought it. A few things towards the end even got me a bit emotional. Goodnight Mr. Jago, goodnight Professor Litefoot.
Also, not a single episode in the entire run passes the Bechdel test. That’s just kinda funny to me. Victorian London indeed.
About to go back to 6 and Evelyn after work tonight with Bloodtide. Don’t know anything about it going in!
I’m listening to the latest 4DA set. The Face of the Storm is an enjoyable historical romp, which finally gives Naomi some more characterisation!
Currently listening to a new episode of The Doctor’s Beard podcast. Plus I’m in the middle of the Silarillion, and I’m an episode into Colditz (trying to catch up with the Audio Club), plus I’ve been trying to work my way through Series 13 of the 4DAs (finished the first story of set #2). Plus I have a 1632 novel that I want to start.
Had a long drive and finished Morbius the Mighty. I’ve run out of praise for Jonathon Carley at this point but it won’t stop me praising him. The ongoing War Doctor stories are some of the best that Big Finish are putting out. Plus I really appreciated the connective tissue with Dark Gallifrey.
Also listened to Conspiracy of Raven and… Right, Michael Troughton has never been better as the Second Doctor, I’m shocked by how well he brings him back to life. However, I cannot disagree more with the direction of this range. Operation Werewolf showed that if you want Second Doctor stories with Jamie and Zoe, just set them in Season 6. It works. Bringing the older Jamie and older Zoe back for Season 6B ones just feel utterly and completely pointless and really dull the appeal of stories at this point in the Doctor’s timeline. And the Skaro cliffhanger I loudly sighed.
Totally wasted opportunity in my opinion.
Made a start on Susan’s War: Family Ties and quite enjoyed the opening episode. Didn’t think I would from the first boxset but I’m really liking Susan and Veklin’s vibe. Looking forward to the second one tomorrow!!
Finished my podcast this afternoon and listened to Episode 2 of Colditz during dishes.
DOCTOR WHO: Warlock’s Cross - Episode 4
A solid story largely redeemed by a veŕy good final episode. Full of quieter character moments and Sylvester talking down apocalypse (again). His performance was great, although the speech he was given was more modest. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this final instalment.
On balance, a perfectly good story. My criticism would be that; I had difficulty visualising some of it (can really make or break an audio for me), that the script was solid enough but lacked real high points of quality (it was serviceable), and that the whole thing lacked a little charm at times. That said, certainly a good solid story.
I have been listening to a bit more River Song. I feel like the quality varies. I especially liked the one with Missy and the one with Susan, Ian and Barbera.
DOCTOR WHO: Return of the Cybermen - Episode 1
So I finally succumbed to curiosity and decided to listen to “Return of the Cybermen”. Episode 1 was pretty solid, not deviating hugely from the beginning of “Revenge” in terms of broad strokes. That said, I’m pleased with the return of the 500 year diary. Yes, it’s a carry over from the Troughton years, but works surprisingly well with the Fourth Doctor. Also, the addition of Anitra to the Nerva Beacon crew really adds to things. I’m guessing she was a Dorney addition and adds much needed female presence to proceedings. That cliffhanger… VERY “Moonbase” and I’m a fan. Episode 1 was the strongest part of “Revenge” though, so I’ll be keen to see how things deviate from here. It’s at this point in the story that “Revenge” really started to go downhill for me so it will be fascinating to see if Davis’s vision holds together better.
Oh, it’s ages since I listened to this, but a very strong story as I recall.
Oh I just listened to An Unearthly Woman the other day, it was very good, although I had to get my head around the actors not sounding exactly the same.
Just finished Bloodtide! A little slower paced for my liking but some absolutely cracking ideas, great use of the Silurians, and Baker is doing an amazing job of transitioning from smarmy ruder 6 into the soft lovely Sixie we know and love from later in this run. Pretty good story overall!
Oh it’s a very strong story, I am just now hearing the sound design issues that everyone’s been commenting on in the Audio Club.
It’s been a HOT minute since i last came here. I’ve listened to a TON of stuff but real life has made it difficult to report back here. I’ḿ on several different ranges at the moment:
- Halfway through The Diary of River Song series 6
- 2 episodes into Missy series 1, ton of fun
- Nearly finsing Purity Undreamed from Ol’ Sixie, not remarcable in any way but i have to say that i do enjoy this TARDIS team
- A couples days ago i listened to Chase the Night from series 9 of 4DAs, quite the best audio of his that i’ve listened in a while and really happy for the oportunity of exploring this TARDIS team more
- Just started The Paternoster Gang, The Seventh Doctor New Adventures, 1DAs with David Bradley and Unit series 2
- Finished the first volume of The Robots, i missed Liv too much
- I am still slowly but steadily listening to Gallifrey: War Room. The 3rd boxset comes in November 2025 so i’m really trying to stretch the first 2
- Smoked the firts 7 boxsets of The War Master pretty quickly so i’m resting from that but i’ll get back to it pretty soon
- Listened to The Merflok Murders of The Dream Team boxset, what a freaking gem
- Last but not least, i halfway through The Lost Stories series 3, stopped right before the stories with 6th and Peri and as those are part of select few that are left for me to listen with these 2 and abandoning them until a little bit further down the line. This series features 2 of the best audios in the range so far, The Elite and The For from the Future, 2 rather excellent stories that excel at what they are telling.
Since listening to Trials of a Time Lord, I’ve been vacillating between giving it two or three stars (I don’t like to use half-stars, but that’s where it currently sits). A part of me feels like two stars is too harsh, but three stars is more of a neutral “I liked this” and that’s too favorable of an emotion.
I’m glad there are two other reviews that aren’t too enamored with the audio either! That makes me feel better about my rating haha. At first I saw a lot of praise for it, so I thought I’d be an outlier.