What are you currently listening to?

The new Ninth Doctor set. Decent set. The first story was solid, but average. The second story is good and the third with Benny is a lot of fun. Then it’s finishing Phantasmagoria and then back to 1634: The Ram Rebellion.


Yesterday, I finished Phantasmagoria for the audio club, and today, I listened to the main range release, Castle of Fear. I’m delving into some Rutan stores as a side project while waiting for new Sontarans vs. Rutans releases. So I’m planning on listening to Wirrn Isle as well at some point, and I’ll throw in a rewatch of Horror of Fang Rock as well. But before all that, I’ll probably listen to the new Ninth Doctor set later this week.


Wirrn Isle? I don’t remember that featuring the Rutan.

No, it doesn’t. But from what I’ve read, it adds something to Rutan lore, so I decided to listen to it anyway (and it has Colin Baker and sounds interesting anyway).

Oh intriguing. It’s been ages since I listened to it so I’ve obviously forgotten that aspect. What was your source (and more Colin is never a bad thing :smiley: )

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I just finished A Death in the Family for the first time… I’m utterly wrecked :sob: :sob: :sob:


Me too!!! listened to it a couple days ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since, oh boy… LOVE the characterization in that one. i think this is my favorite version of seven + ace’s deteriorating dynamic I’ve seen so far, with her picking up his 'for the greater good’ism and him only being able to realize and admit that he’s doing damage when its too late… very excited to see how this storyline continues !!

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Finished Beachhead which was fun if pretty inconsequential. Did appreciate the fact that it was a predominantly female cast.

Next up is a revisit to Colditz for my History of the Universe marathon and then back on to Scenes from her Life (with The Clockwise Man audiobook on and off between).


I’ve started listening to Phantasmagoria at last! On part 2 :smile:

Pretty sure colditz was the first Big finish I ever heard, before I even knew what big finish was


All I remember from my first listen is: Nicholas Young from the Tomorrow People is in it; it introduces Klein; the sound recording on it is distinctly dodgy in some places; oh and there’s some bloke called David Tennant in it - whatever happened to him?


8th doctors run and torchwood main range

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Just starting Master!: Planet Doom. Basilisk.


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Oh my goodness the sound mixing/editing/effects etc on Colditz are even worse than I remember. The actors sound like they’ve been recorded in a tiny metal room, people walking which is supposedly suppose to sound like they are walking on stone sound like they are walking on metal and there have been multiple scenes where the background wild tracks of people talking have literally cut off just as the main characters start talking!

I am actually surprised this was even allowed to be released!

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I am on a moratorium on buyingh any more BF until I have listened to all the ones I have :joy: Currently I am working my way through their River Song box sets


How’d you liked them so far?

While I agree with your take on the production issues this is the story that introduced us to Elizabeth Klein! As such I can forgive quite a lot :sunglasses: Her relationship with the 7th Doctor and her moral ambiguity is just incredibly interesting to me


Oh absolutely, I’m looking forward to being reacquainted with Klein but…the sound is really bad.

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OK, since my last post in this thread I had a relisten of Colditz… My word are you correct good sir, the audio issues are egregious

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Moving on to the 2nd story, Axos Rising. I really enjoyed the first one. A great set-up.