What are you currently listening to?

Missy is great.

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Ooh, you’ve made me want to listen to Gallifrey now! It was very low down on my list of priorities but may have shifted up a bit now.

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Definitely one of BF’s best spin off series. Goes a bit weird from Series 4 but 1-3 are solid.

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Gallifrey is THE best - but I have to disagree with the idea that it gets worse after s4 because it has ups and downs all over the place and never quite manages to stick a landing in any of its eras. BUT once you get into it (if you’re me anyway) it eats your brain from the inside and you can’t leave :rofl::rofl:

Thank you very much for warm welcome to the both of you. I love Sixth in any format but he has so much life in the audios that is no wonder he still going strong nowadays.


I didn’t say worse…just weird. I liked 4 but was less enamoured when the pepperpots turned up.

Yeah, that’s fair - my unpopular opinion is that Extermination is way too long of an episode to actually be as good as everyone claims that it is :grimacing: and Time War kind of suffers from that problem too, but fortuantely in War Room they are actually doing something interesting with the series and I just really hope that they don’t build it all up into (another) kind of disappointing ending

Doing series 1 of NABS (Bernie Summerfield) on final story.


I’ve been starting off on my journey into Doctor Who audio with Diary of River Song. I grew up with the Eleventh Doctor era, so, her being a character near and dear to me, it’s the perfect start and a dream spinoff for me, as well as an ideal soft introduction to many classic Doctors as I go through the range. Just started series 3, and have loved all of it so far. Makes me all the more excited to listen to more Big Finish series, and start watching Classic Who as a whole eventually.


Welcome to the forum BrightEmber. Can’t wait to see how you get on with Classic Who.

I must listen to more DIary of River Song.

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I absolutely love The Diary of River Song.

It’s what drew me into Big Finish, and then into more of their audios and the Classic stuff, it’s basically responsible for me making this whole site!

Enjoy! I wish I could listen to it all again (I mean, I could, but I also want to listen to everything).

I’m so sad that it’s finished but there are a lot of stories so I guess they were running out of ideas, and River is still popping up in other things.

Welcome :hugs:


Just listened to Tenth Doctor Adventures s03e01 - No Place. It is really good and creepy.


The only one with Wilf in :broken_heart:


I was surprised when I was looking at his appearances on the site. It feels like he is in more stories than he is. But when the actor was that good it does not take that much to make an impression.


Yes, Bernard Cribbins is brilliant.

He’s also in Horror of Glam Rock, although as a very different character:


I think i need to start with the 8th doctors audio soon.

He is also the best part of the second Cushing movie.


Currently listening to the new episode of the Doctor’s Beard podcast covering “The Silurians” that dropped on Patreon overnight. It releases to non-patrons tomorrow on their website The Doctor's Beard. Then it’s Phantasmagoria and more of 1634: The Ram Rebellion.

On second season of NABS then re-listening to Phantasmagoria

About to launch in Doom Coalition 2 with Beachhead (I need a break from Nicholas Brigg’s voice on the Clockwise Man audiobook!)