What are you currently listening to?

I began listening to Wirrn Island today. @deltaandthebannermen you asked for my source on the Rutan mention in this story. Probably because I’m going insane or something, I was unable to locate the site where I had read about that. I was sure I read it on the TARDIS Wikia page for Rutans, Sontarans, or the Rutan/Sontaran War, or even on the individual story pages for Horror of Fang Rock/Castle of Fear/the Rutan vs. Sontaran BF stories, but nope. So I must have msiread. I’m halfway through the story, and there is no mention of Rutans thus far :joy: not that it matters, since it’s a Sixie and Flip story, and that’s never bad.

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Axos Rising. Not quite as good as 1st epsiode Some sidetracking from the main plot with the return of a character from a previous boxset that I don’t remember fondly

We end with Hellbound. A very enjoyable finale to this boxset. I love Eric Roberts’ version of the Master & he works so well on audio. Hopefully there will be more to come.

I can’t work out if this was asking me, but I’ll reply anyway.

The ‘Diary of River Song’ sets are somewhat mixed. As with a lot of BF output there are some real gems along with stories which fade from memory almost as soon as they are done. The series is undeniably fannish, with the essential conceit that River is continually dipping in and out of the Doctor’s timeline. Sometimes this veers towards cringe, but sometimes this produces some brilliant episodes.

I have currently just finished season 6 and feel that the stories have become more assured as they progressed. Season 1 seemed to be finding its feet but was still enjoyable. Season 2 is worth it on its own for the excellent and heart-breaking non-Doctor story ‘five twenty-nine’ and the fun ‘world enough and time’ which features a baffled 6th Doctor . Season 3 introduces a fascinating theme about regeneration and death, using clones of River Song, but at the same time includes the laugh-out-loud timey-wimey farce ‘my dinner with andrew’ which takes Peter Davison (back?) to a knock-off version of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. I found the season 4 theme and recurring enemy less compelling, but the final episode with Tom Baker was a joy to listen to. Season 5, on the other hand, was much better with River meeting different incarnations of the Master. Episode 1 with River and Missy was a great romp, and a pairing I’d happily enjoy again, and the others were almost as strong. Season 6 drops River behind the scenes of some classic TV episodes which is fun in a ‘I see what you did there’ kind of way but (IMHO) not as strong as some of the other seasons. The standout episode is definitely the last one featuring the welcome return of Henry Gordon Jago with the bonus of Alex Kingston singing a bawdy song with lots of in-jokes :rofl:


Completely agree, the DoRS boxsets I enjoyed all of to some degree, but I definitely have found it that usually I’ll either really like the whole set of stories or I’ll be a little underwhelmed. But the good news is, for you, I thought s9 and 11 were very standout boxsets, so there’s that to look forward to ! but put Liz Shaw in anything and I’llbe happy :rofl:


S11 Friend of the Family is superb. One of the best things BF have done & really shows what can be done with the range.


Friend of the Family was excellent, and shows that River doesn’t have to be all about nostalgia and fandom to be good!


Started Master S1 with one more left and like the way that one is told. Gallifrey S1 one left also and loving this set so far. Now I am sidetrack on Once and Future …


There’s a Gallifrey thread in the forum if you feel like discussing any of it.

I am curently listening to the batman arkham main theme

Having a break from the sound horror of Colditz to listen to Toby Hadoke’s newest episode of Too Much Information about The Sea of Death. Patrons only at the moment but it should be out in the open not before too long. Fascinating biog of George Colouris.


Breaking my Jacob Dudman audio cherry with the prologue to Geronimo!, Clara.


That prologue is just a bit silly and is there to place his audios in a certain time - after he first met Clara but before he found her again.

I imagine it happening around the same time as this:


Yep. It reminds me of how on the website the early Doctor adventures had a bit of text explaining where they happen in continuity.

I think this prologue is a good way for those unsure to get a taste of Jacob Dudman’s version of 11.


I finshed the latest 9DA Buried Threats yesterday. A good, familiar set of three stories. The Running Men was my favourite, as it was a fun modern-day monster invasion with some local English folklore thrown in. A Theatre of Cruelty was interesting, as I had never heard of Antonin Arnaud before, but Eccleston clearly admires him, so I learned something new from this through an exciting Doctor. Ancient History was slightly disappointing, though I loved the interaction between Nine and Bennie.

I’ll probably give the set a 7/10 overall.



Well that was brilliant. I was wary as I already said. Matt Smith is maybe my favourite Doctor, certainly my favourite ‘Nu Who’ Doctor & this really captured the vibe of his era. The writing & Dudman’s performance were great & Valerie is a really good new companion. All in an interesting pacey story. I know I am going to binge these.


Listening to the second Doctor adventures rn (beyond war games), and I must say at the begging I wasn’t really hearing 2 in that impression, I’m not sure if the impression got better or I just settled into it though becouse at this point all I hear is Patrick Troughton being Patrick Troughton

I am on the third epidode of Donna Nobel Kidnapped. I love Tate and it is fun to listen to her in the doctors role.

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Currently making my way through 8’s Main Range run, and am halfway through Time Works. Technically started listening to this run like 3 years ago when I dove head first back into Dr Whomst Hell™ during Flux and finished listening up to Zagreus but then life and other interests (and also not being Mentally Ready to listen to Scherzo) got in the way until I Finally got back into BF late last year with some s19 crew stories.

Will probably switch back to Five’s run with the Main Range/5DA audios I have downloaded after I’ve finished with 8’s initial run. As much as I’m looking forward to Lucie Bleedin’ Miller I’m feeling nostalgic for some 5th doctor stories.

Also might go and finish Evelyn’s run too as I also listened to some of her audios back in 2021. Oh, and I also want to Finally meet Hex. Plus keep reading the EDAs. Honestly kinda wish I could download every doctor who story directly into my brain bc work is exhausting me too much to get through all of these in a timely manner. What do you mean I have to work 40 hours a week to make a living, don’t they know I have all this Doctor Who to get through???


Listened to The Plague of Dreams on the way into work this morning. I forget how GOOD this little story was. I love it when Doctor Who dips its toes into fantasy every so often so this little Elizabethan fairytale was a great treat. The Player is also a super fun character who I’m surprised hasn’t returned in the War Doctor range or other ranges.