What are you currently listening to?

I’ve only listened to the first story so far, but it was brilliant! Excited to listen to the rest!

And I agree that Unbound and Summerfield is such a marvellous TARDIS team!


Eternity Club is a lot of fun :blush: None of the eps are incredibly like mindblowing but they are all good listens


If you want a little more of them, there’s always the Dark Gallifrey War Master stuff


There is. I’ve already listened to those stories :wink:
But thanks for the recommendation :slightly_smiling_face:


They also have a story together in the 2nd Story So Far set


Now that I missed somehow :astonished::grin:

Thank you @Nardole :tada:


Been listening to Bang-bang-a-boom over the last couple of days and I definitely have some thoughts…
It really picked up towards the end, but for a story set around the space version of Eurovision I really wish they’d used more of that concept instead of making it a murder mystery behind the scenes
Might check out series one of Susan’s War, or Morbius the Mighty next, before continuing with my monthly range binge, as I’m really not looking forward to revisiting Jubilee (it’s not great)


Started …ish this morning.


listened to bad connection, soooo good. loved it. the torchwood range never misses! then i listened immediately after to restricted items… soooo bad. didn’t like it. the torchwood range sometimes, very rarely, flops.


Oooh interesting! I had kind of the opposite thoughts on those :zipper_mouth_face: I thought Bad Connection was fine but a less impressive retread of Moving Target and I found Restricted Items a lot of fun!


each to their own, tbh i’m shocked im in the minority with restricted items. i really found it bland compared to other phenomenal torchwoods.


Listened to Gods and Monsters, a really great and epic finale that ties up stuff from stories all over the arc, including stories from 6 and Evelyn. Has so many good twists and revealations. 7 plans and plans but still ends up just being a pawn in Fenrics and Weylands game. And the ending with Hexs death is so sad. I know he doesn’t stay dead but its still a very good scene and im excited in where it goes next


I really like Gods and Monsters. (A much better end for Hex than what he ended up with due to BF’s habit of not letting companions go…)


Power Play was a decent enough story, but what raises it up is the return of Victoria. I thought it was wonderfully done, including acknowledging that she would not have known the term Time Lord. I’m even willing to buy the idea that she wouldn’t believe the Doctor could have an entirely different body. Actually, I consider it unlikely she wouldn’t know about regeneration. Ben or Polly would have told Jamie for sure (in fact I’m certain it was mentioned in the EU somewhere) and Jamie very likely would have told Victoria. It’s possible it wouldn’t have come up, but…well, whatever. Take it as read she didn’t know, and it was handled well.


Just listened to the 6th Doctor audio Patient Zero and oh my god that episode was incredible. The story had me tense the whole time, wondering what would happen next, and Colin Baker’s voice acting was amazing. Loved it, no criticisms… ok well there probably ARE criticisms, but I can’t think of any, still hyped up by that ENDING.


Patient Zero was my first Big Finish. At that point, I’d only maybe seen a couple Sixth Doctor TV stories had absolutely no idea of the huge journey we’d been through with Charley. I just chose it and Legend of the Cybermen at random because they were audiobooks with Daleks and Cybermen respectively. Patient Zero is excellent and still one of my favorites to this day.


Wasn’t going to listen to another one today, but The Time Museum was next up, and it has such an irresistible setup I just had to. Maybe it doesn’t live up to the setup entirely, but it’s a good story that gives us a nice excuse to revisit all those early adventures. Thumbs up.


I’ve started listening to Once and Future: Coda: The Final Act as I got it for my birthday.

It’s good fun!


Last few days I listened to:

  • Main Range 035 …ish (3.5/5) Peri= :heart:
  • Main Range 036 The Rapture (3/5)

Taking a break for a few days, and then I’ll be back listening with The Sandman.


I have been listening to the audiobook of Doctor Who and Zarbi. Don’t do this. It is as boring as the episode but longer…

“Only” 2h left…