What are you currently listening to?

That is how I felt when I saw the latest Spiderman movie with all three Peter Parker :joy:



(Already seen it, but still)


Feelt like it is coming knowledge but changed it to spoiler


Finished Blood of the Time Lords. Great intro to the 4DA range for me.

Really loved the look we get into the Doctor and Masters relationship as children. I do actually like Dreyfus’ less theatrical take on the master, especially for an incarnation meant to be very early on in the masters life. Shame he had to be transphobic…


Whispers of Terror: Episodes 1 and 2

Relustening after many years. Comments over in Audio Club.


What with this and the Delta and the Bannermen comment it’s like you want to get banned permanently…


When people are still spoiler tagging The Keys of Marinus, who knows when the statute of limitations is on spoilers!


But this is more about the fact that I have not listened to or read that much about Benny. I don’t have a problem with her.


I feel like this is more logical because many people are here to experience the classic episodes for the first time. I felt like you had to live under a rock to be able to miss that there are three spidermans in that movie. But who am I to decide that, I am not that spoiler-sensitive.


Quite right. Yes, it’s easy to forget that many on here haven’t necessarily seen all of Classic Who. I try to remember to add spoilers even when talking about very old stories. I sometimes still slip up (sorry!) but try to get it right. I’d hate to spoil anyone’s first experience of a classic story.


I’m planning on extending the anniversary celebrations by listening to two recent BF freebies today: The Four Doctors and The Five Companions!


I must be under a rock then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but in fairness I don’t follow Spiderman or particularly care about the spoilers


The Doctor and Carnacki

My introduction to Carnacki came in 1971, watching an episode of a long forgotten television series called The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes. In the episode called ‘The Horse of the Invisible,’ William Hope Hodgson’s creation Thomas Carnacki was brought to life by Donald Pleasence. Even though the production values were on the cheap and cheerful side (a bit like Doctor Who then), and the resolution a bit… well, silly, I was sufficiently impressed to head to the local library and track down more Carnacki. As it turned out, the character I discovered on the page was a far cry from what I’d seen on the screen. While Pleasence had portrayed Carnacki as a sedate, distracted and bookish character, the print Carnacki was a much younger and more dynamic individual. Even so, I was hooked, and I’ve been a fan ever since.

It’s a shame that, beyond the one episode of The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes, Thomas Carnacki hasn’t appeared in more TV or movies (if the BBC could stop endlessly recycling Jane Austen, there is a cracking Carnacki series waiting to be made). Thankfully, back in 2016, Big Finish did a fantastic job of bringing the Ghost-Finder to life with Dan Starkey narrating some of his adventures. Ever since then, I’ve been hoping for more Carnacki, but I really wasn’t expecting a crossover with Doctor Who.*

I really enjoyed The Doctor and Carnacki box set. Not being made of money, I can’t keep up with all the audio incarnations of the Doctor, so, outside of sales, I tend to restrict myself to the first five Doctors. That being the case, I haven’t listened to a 7th Doctor audio adventure in some while, and it was as much a treat listening to Sylvester McCoy as it was Dan Starkey reprising Carnacki.

No spoilers from me, I’ll just say that the first two stories, ‘The Haunter of the Shore’ and ‘The House,’ were very strong and captured the tone - the spirit - of William Hope Hodgson’s tales. The third story, ‘The Institute of Forgotten Souls,’ I must confess, I found a bit weak by comparison, but I still enjoyed it for what it was.

I’d love to see Carnacki in his own ongoing series, but as that seems unlikely, I can only hope the Doctor will bump into the Ghost-Finder again.

*I’ve since discovered that Carnacki guested in a Paternoster Gang story. Must check that out.


Wanting to get into Big Finish, and seeing as I have access to the first 50 main range stories, where’s a good place to start?


I would suggest either go from the beginning, or if you have a particular Doctor who is your favourite, follow their stories through. Else, look up a list of ones that are generally considered ‘best’ if you just want a taster


To be honest, the best way is to do what we did in the olden days and start at The Sirens of Time and work your way through. There are highs and lows but your personal likes and dislikes will be as different as they would for any normal season of Who on TV.


I’ll give Sirens of Time a go then!


Consensus seems to be that Sirens isn’t the best story, but I still think it’s a nice way to start out the range, a nice taster for what the range will offer, if you will.



Come and tell the Audio Club thread what you think when you’ve finished.


Finished this week’s Doctor’s Beard Patreon episode and next the extended extras for Coda and Gallifrey 2.2 to listen to.