I liked these too. I though Girl, Deconstructed was a lovely gentle tale and would translate so well to TV.
Looking at my site ratings, I went 2.5, 3, 3.5 for the three stories. I found the first two to be a bit sombre and lacking in something to truly engage me. Planet of the End was clearly the one I liked the most although I’ve only written a review for Fright Motif
Today I’ve been on a bit of a listening binge!
I’ve listened to:
- Phantasmagoria
- Whispers of Terror
- The Marian Conspiracy
- Winter for the Adept
- The Fires of Vulcan
Edit: I have since finished The Fires of Vulcan, and I think I can manage one more story. I’m thinking The Shadow of the Scourge?
You’ll have to swing over to the Audio Club and weigh in on the confersations there.
Listened to Torchwood: Widdershins today. I found it a fascinating and unique story, with some haunting moments. I want more stuff like this from Torchwood! It was excellent.
On the early stuff
I hope you enjoyed them.
I’m currently listening to Big Finish Blake’s 7 audios. Decided I wanted to change it up. I appreciate things more if I have a break and I bought these off Ebay ages ago and haven’t listened to them yet.
Great stories, but makes you realise how varied Doctor Who can be.
The Blakes 7 BF stuff is very good. I have a bunch of box sets to listen to.
Picked up Regeneration Impossible in the Short Trips sale. Nice to hear 11 and 12 together. Dudman’s 12 impression isn’t fantastic but serviceable.
In the middle of Invaders from Mars.
The audiobook of The Cabinet of Light. It’s actually pretty good and I’m rather liking the mystery of searching for the enigmatic Doctor Smith. Not sure about Terry Molloy’s New Orleans’ accent though…
Listened to The Gulf from the 3DAs. Oh. My God. What an audio. Tortured artists living on a floating space station hippie commune on a planet covered entirely in Ocean where they’re haunted by eldritch horrors. Were they peaking at my christmas list? This story was dripping in atmosphere and it was easily my fav 3DA so far. Also, THEY HAD HIM QUOTE THE BLEEDING “I AM THE DOCTOR” SONG IN THE LAST PART!!! PEAK!!!
Listening to Chimes of Midnight.
That… that sounds incredible.
I think I have to listen to this now.
Sorry bank account.
chanting Join us. Join us. Join us.
Alrighty, back onto the McGann stories for today. The current plan for today is:
Invaders from MarsThe Chimes of Midnight- Seasons of Fear
Then a brief step back (sideways if you like) to listen to Colditz, even though I know the plot and have listened to The Rapture, which spoiled it slightly.
Then I think I can manage to get Embrace the Darkness and Neverland done if I’m doing well for time!
Anyone have any suggestions for what to listen to afterwards? It doesn’t have to be a MR story. I’m not sure I’ll follow McGann for a bit, purely to avoid being burned out!
Update as of 12:30pm CET:
- Invaders from Mars is finished.
- The Chimes of Midnight is finished.
Which other doctors do you like, aside from Eight?
As always I will recommend the Eleventh Doctor Chronicles featuring Valarie Lockwood.
They are really staggeringly good.
Safiyya Ingar and Jacob Dudman absolutely kills it with their performances and the stories are consistently fantastic
8 is not my favourite Doctor, that title has to go to 11, but I’m enjoying the classic stories so far. I wouldn’t mind listening to some newer Doctors, but I wouldn’t know where to start.
From what I’ve listened to, 6 seems interesting, as does 7. I haven’t listened to any 1, 2, 3 or 4 so far from the Classic Era.
Oh if you like Eleven then I definitely recommend these stories, and so would most people here