Underrated Stories

In my opinion, The Edge of Destruction and The Rescue are fantastic classic stories.

Knock Knock is also another underrated episode that I think deserves more attention.

Orphan 55 definitely does not deserve to be as hated as it is. It might not be perfect, but I still enjoy it.


Frontier in Space is the one rarely brought up, I love it a lot


Agreed. A great Pertwee epic


The Rescue my beloved!!


Some great stories listed here. I love that there’s a story for everyone. My current underrated favourite is The Beast Below.

This story is set when Matt Smith was hugely entertaining and new, and hadn’t yet become the hand-flapping character that I, quite honestly, found irritating. He is quite brilliant, proving that his performance in the previous The Eleventh Hour wasn’t a one-off.

The story is a twisty turner. That all the ideas aren’t quite as developed as they could be doesn’t cause me any problems. I like the chaos of it, and for ages, was convinced former script editor Christopher H Bidmead was in it! The Doctor’s rage toward the end is good, but perhaps a little too early in his run to be as shocking as it could have been.

A really good story, but one that’s not often talked about.

Under the Lake/Before the Flood is next on my ‘needs to be talked about more’ list. Like many of Series 9’s tales, it’s a two-parter, where the second part is markedly different from the first. A terrific story from what I remember. I look forward to meeting the Fisher King, and Prentis The Tivolian again.


The Beast Below I feel would’ve been much less overlooked if it had been later in the season. Having that conflict between Amy and The Doctor is great, but we don’t quite have as much of a grasp on the characters here as we would later so making it episode 2 was a bad choice. Definitely one that’s much better on the rewatch.

Under The Lake/Before The Flood is criminally overlooked. My pick for the most Doctor Who-ish Doctor Who episode


Agree here, I absolutely love that 2-parter and love the idea of having a story and then going back in time to see how the story began. They should do stuff like that more often.

I love it when the TARDIS is actually used to travel in time within a story, not just to begin a story.


Here’s my list of underrated stories from each Doctor. I love a list.

First Doctor - The Gunfighters.
Second Doctor - The Highlanders.
Third Doctor - The Ambassadors of Death.
Fourth Doctor - Meglos.
Fifth Doctor - Frontios.
Sixth Doctor - Mark of the Rani.
Seventh Doctor - Delta and the Bannermen.

Ninth Doctor - Rose.
Tenth Doctor - New Earth.
Eleventh Doctor - The Beast Below.
Twelfth Doctor - Under the Lake/Before the Flood.
Thirteenth Doctor - The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos


Under the Lake/Before the Flood is a story I don’t understand why it isn’t talked about more.

(And I know what you’re thinking - there’s lots of Capaldi stories I like despite the lead actor… :wink: )

I remember absolutely loving this story, especially the cliffhanger. Felt like proper old fashioned base under siege Who with a brilliant cast.


You are hereby granted exclusive entry into the secret ‘proper Doctor Who fans’ area.


UtL/BtF is one of those ones I see talked about all the time in my circle on tumblr and I have to say I really do not understand the hype for it - I’ve tried to watch it and like it a bunch of times but I think it’s just not my vibe


And to think that I put having Under the Lake/Before the Flood as a favourite as one of my controversial opinions.
I’ve always loved the story, it feels quintessentially Doctor Who for me


Just watched Under the Lake/Before the Flood once again, and it’s still a favourite story of mine. A slow burner yes, but steeped in atmosphere. The claustrophobic base in episode one contrasts wonderfully with the heavy-skied openness of a very different-looking Scotland of 1980 in episode two.

I’d forgotten, this is the one with Clara’s notes for the Doctor on how to correctly react to certain situations. I noticed one of the prompts said ‘I’m sorry, I had no idea you were from Aberdeen.’


Oh Underrated Stories! Lovely Topic, hmmm the first one that would come to Mind is for me The Smugglers (it’s good, I will not hear otherwise!!!)
I do also make a point for the Highlanders pretty underrated and just a lovely Story all around.

Honestly pretty hard for me to say which Stories may count as “underrated”, does Invasion of the Dinosaurs counts? If so then that too for sure (the best Series 11 Story and one of Pertwees finest)

Oh and for NuWho uhhh… The Witchfinders probably?

Other ones which were mentioned here with some great Reasonings: Mark of the Rani, Frontios, Ambassador of Death, Beast Below, the Flood Two parter and yes I myself enjoy Delta and the Bannermen quite much after rewatching it recently earlier this year


I absolutely agree about The Highlanders. It’s a story I really had low hopes for when I finally got my hands on the recon, yet I found it a thoroughly good story with much to admire.

I think you have a point here. The Witchfinders is great, yet I hardly ever see it talked about. I’d be happy for Joy Wilkinson to write for DW again. Loved the atmosphere. Moreover, it was actually a story that addressed the Doctor’s frustration with being treated differently as a woman. I think it’s a really good story.


Glad you also were able to enjoy The Highlanders!

As for The Witchfinders, yeah I totally am with you. It’s a Story, which doesn’t really get talked about it much, neither positive nor negative, which surprises me, because that Story has a lot of great Things to it and yes Wilkinson is a pretty great Writer, shame she didn’t write more Who Stories.


I was super happy that the 15th Doctor made a callback to “The Witchfinders” in Boom :boom:
Love that story :slightly_smiling_face:


There’s an art to making references to past stories without bogging the casual audience in what, to them, might appear as tedious continuity. At their best, RTD and Moffat both do this very well. The sly reference to sentient mud (lovely girls!) in Boom was perfect. To viewers who didn’t see, or don’t remember, The Witchfinders, it comes across as one of the Doctor’s many fanciful tales, but to those of us in the know, it’s a lovely gift. :grin:


Totally agree. Though truth be told when the Doctor said “Sentient Mud?” my mind immediately jumped to Ace and the 7th Doctor in “The Light at the End” :grin:


I love this one! Great episode, definitely underrated!