The Flux: Ripping Through the Universe

As I’m currently watching Series 13, I thought we should have a topic all about everything to do with Flux.

Personally, I would like to see other stories set during the Flux event, as I feel there is lots of stories to be told with this. (Of course, there might not be, as I haven’t finished watching it yet.)


The Flux arc was quite good, although fell a bit flat at the end in my opinion but it’s a very interesting concept and my favourite part of the Chris Chibnall era.


Another Who highlight for me, I love the Chibnall era & Flux was fantastic.


I am going to be negative. Read if you like.

I think that the Flux is the worst season of modern who. It is badly written and most of it makes very little sense. There are no consequences after the event and it feels empty. They do the same thing with The Timeless Child which is a better story but it don’t affect the Doctor much after it happens. Why make stories that should affect the Doctor and her personality and then just leave it?

And then we have the worst part, the villain. It is like the worst kind of Marvel movie villain with no backstory or motivation. It is just boring.

Some positive stuff:

  • I like Dan
  • Village of the Angels is good

I often wonder what we lost to Covid with this season.


The thing is that CC always do this. He is good at creating a good concept but he rarely sticks the landing. I don’t trust that he would have done it much better without the pandemic.


But then what is the excuse for RTD who is so, so much worse with this exact same thing???!? :eyes::wink:


Here’s what Chibnall says in DWM 577:

[asked if we will ever discover more about the series Flux replaced]
“There wasn’t one, really, because it didn’t get that far and a lot of the characters, monsters and other ideas that were already developed went into Flux. It’s more that by the time we realised we had to stop, there were writers starting to work on additional ideas. That’s what we had to lose, and that was a shame.”


He creates good characters that carry his stories.


Can’t say I disagree on a few points, I still thought it was fun but I definitely have my own criticisms. I’m glad RTD stated he wanted to do something with Flux/Timeless Children and we have seen small glimpses of that. I think both are good ideas, bit meh on execution. I love Dan so much he was one of the highlights for me as well.


Well he’s also responsible for Francine Jones, Rose Tyler and Lumic…


I agree, I think that RTD saved the Timeless Child story with RTD2. The whole the Doctor is adopted is an interesting concept and has been one of the highlights of RTD2. Unfortunately, I feel like the Flux is beyond saving it is just a mess.


Rose Tyler is a better and more fleshed out character then any companion that the thirteen Doctor travelled with.


I don’t like that the consequences of The Flux are basically not a thing, it could have been done so much better but I think the first 4 episodes have good writing and good ideas. The villains are quite forgettable which is a shame they have really cool designs. I did really like that they expanded on Timeless Children’s lore, whether they did that successfully is up for debate lmao


As far as I can recall all we’ve seen RTD2 do with it is have Doctor Who say he’s adopted? Maybe crying all the time is a reaction to the Timeless Child revelation? :person_shrugging:


Rose Tyler is a piece of cardboard next to Graham or Dan!

(This is of course super ironic because Chibnall also gave us the ultimate cardboard companion: Ryan)


Yes! Yes! 100% agree-

Don’t you dare diss my boy Ryan Sinclair like that, ever, ever again!


Ah but I do dare :sunglasses::wink:


It also the reason why he connects to Ruby and a lot of their relationship is based on this. It is also one of the reasons why 14 has to slow down and do therapy.


I liked Rose Tyler in the first season of NuWho, it’s mostly because I work in retail, I’m 19 and I would also leave my home to get possibly killed in a Cybermen invasion. As her era went on though I couldn’t deal with the drama, some of it was quite painful.
Ryan was funny sometimes but holy moly he was just simply there.