The Flux: Ripping Through the Universe

At least we agree on Ryan. He is the worst companion sense Adric.


No, no, no! I thought I made that clear to you over beers the other day!

I. Like. Adric :triumph::wink:


And now Adric’s being hated on!

I thought this was the positive Doctor Who site! :sob::sob::sob::sob:


I wish I liked Flux. Halloween, War, and Village were all genuinely good episodes (I’d go so far as to call Village great), but the final couple of episodes really dropped the ball for me.

Can we add a rule that bans hating on Adric? Give Adric the same protection as Delta and The Bannermen!


Okay. Let’s say the worst sense Vislor instead :wink:


I am amenable to that :grin:


That’s fine, a companion I can’t comment on yet.


Well, I’m not a fan of Flux either. I have only watched it once so far, but I find it messy and full of ideas that don’t connect well. There are good parts - such as Village of the Angels or Karvanista or Jericho - but these are overshadowed by the messy stories and, yes, the pretty trashy villains.

The best thing to come out of Flux is the return of the Classic Who Sontaran look, but knowing RTD, he will probably redesign them when they pop up again.


Oh no he’s going to go for the “peeled potato” look again isn’t he? :cry:


What protection? We are firing on all cylinders until someone actually bans us for saying a bad word about Delta and the Bannermen (the story, not the person).

I had to stop and think who you were talking about because nobody calls him Vislor :joy: it’s Turlough!


This is how I feel about this whole era. I hope BF gives Jodie Whittaker some good scripts to work with and that she goes through the same journey as Six did.


I love The Flux. I would go as far as to say it’s among my favourite things from post-2005 Who. That it was recorded during a worldwide pandemic and turned out so well is amazing.

I love that the Flux was bigger than Sontarans, Daleks and Cybermen - and certainly gave The Sontarans their best story. The Angels, too, were made great use of.

And yet the titular threat, rolling, tumbling and spreading its chaos over everything was/is a great concept. If I had more time I’d go on even more (be grateful I haven’t - we’d be here all day!). Suffice it to say that it’s a huge highlight for me, and I visit the episodes regularly.

“WHAT’S the FLUX?”


I am glad that you liked it. It is fun to read different perspectives on stuff.


I like the flux. It’s my second favorite 13th Doctor series. I do have some criticisms towards some characters like Belle.


My biggest issues with Flux are that it should have had more episodes, and it shouldn’t have been trying to be one continuous story.

Give Vinder and Bel their own episode. Give the Grand Serpent his own episode. Make Tecteun a reoccurring villain. Don’t kill off more than half the universe and then forget about it. Don’t repeatedly cut away from the story you are trying to follow to show “and this is what Bel and Vinder are up to” and such.

It needed more breathing room, and needed to not have everything try to be shoved into an ongoing arc…

Turlough’s grown on me, and I like his arc.

Ryan hasn’t, really. Some of his most memorable moments for me were times he was being annoying, like the “Call of Duty” thing, or the moment with his music in Arachnids. And I’m still not sure the whole bike thing makes sense…


The Halloween Apocalypse:

A gloriously good tease at all to come, and as an added bonus, it’s actually scary too!

War of the Sontarans:

I didn’t like it as much as Apocalypse, but it’s still a really fun and exciting chapter!


Flux started off amazingly, and I was absolutely loving it. I had told people who dropped out of Jodie’s episodes that they should keep going because Flux was worth it.

But then I think it all went downhill for me at the end. I think there were too many characters (we all thought how wonderful it would be with just Thirteen and Yaz, but somehow Chibnall managed to have the biggest number of side characters I’ve ever seen in a series), too many plots happening all at once, and none of it was satisfactorily completed.

I am still confused whether or not half the universe is gone (if it is, and it stopped at Earth, are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc all gone now?).

Tecteun was totally wasted, she could have been a recurring villain.

The whole thing with Time being an enemy to Space made no sense to me.

I am not a hater, I desperately want to love it, but for me it’s all just so confusing.

I know people say “it’s because of COVID” but that didn’t prevent them writing a good ending.

I’d have preferred to have cut the whole storyline of Vinder and Bell - I love the characters but it just took away vital screen time which could have been used to wrap it all up.

Loads of good ideas. The Angels episode is the best. Incredible cliffhanger. Stunning visual effects. Jodie is brilliant, especially the bit where there are 3 of her - loved that. The Flux is a cool idea. Loved the multiple universes. Just wish it had ended better.

Maybe one day there will be a Target book that explains it all better?


Not me :person_raising_hand:

Dan is amazing :+1:
(Why is there no “Wok” emoji on my phone? :eyes::wink:)


I agree. Hopefully there will be a way for her to come back.


I celebrated when Graham left because he got all the best lines and sidelined Yaz.

Then they replaced Graham with Graham 2.0, aka wok, aka Dan.
